Movie poster for The Hill

Overcoming is possible…with FULL. BODY. ROTATION!!!!

Sometimes it is hard watching bad movies over and over again so, this month, we’ve decided to get a little inspiration from the always exciting sport of baseball! Joined by special guest Derek Silva, co-host of the End of Sport podcast, we dig into the religious bio-pic of disabled baseballer Rickey Hill as he struggles to make the major leagues. While there was very little actual baseball in the movie there was a lot to discuss!

Listen at…

Grading the Film

As always, this film is reviewed with scores recorded in four main categories, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. Like the game of golf, the lower the score the better.

How accurate is the representation?

Jeff – 4 / 5

sarah – 5/ 5

Derek – 4.5 / 5

Total – 13.5 / 15

How difficult was it to watch the movie?

sarah – 5 / 5

Jeff – 5 / 5

Derek – 5 / 5

Total – 15 / 15

How often were things unintentionally funny?

sarah – 2 / 5

Jeff – 2 / 5

Derek – 4 / 5

Total – 8 / 15

How far back has it put disabled people?

Jeff – 3 / 5

sarah – 3 / 5

Derek – 4 / 5

Total – 10 / 15

The Verdict

The Jerry Lewis Seal of Approval

Part 1 transcript

[episode begins with the trailer for The Hill]


You are listening to invalid Culture, a podcast dedicated to excavating the strangest and most baffling media representations of disability. This podcast is all about staring into the abyss of pop culture adjacent films that never quite broke through because well, they’re just awful. So buckle up folks. The following content is rated I for invalid.

Episode theme song, “Arguing with Strangers on the Internet” by Mvll Crimes:

I’m arguing with strangers on the internet not going out today because I’m feeling too upset arguing with strangers on the internet and I’m winning.


Welcome back to another thrilling edition of Invalid Culture. As always, I am your host, Jeff, and we are joined once again by our co-host. Sarah, how are you doing, Sarah?


Really happy outside of academia. How are you?


Yeah, doing great. Inside academia, I’m still on sabbatical, which is why I’m doing really great. Oh,




Still inside academia. Yeah. Yeah, the academia that is my closet and my brain. Now, we also have a very special guest joining us today because as listeners will know, it is May, which means that baseball season is in full swing, and I realized that we have never been inspired by a disabled athlete yet on invalid culture, and I thought it’s about time we got to do a sports movie, but I am not really, I mean, I like sports, but I’m not a sports scholar. Sarah, it turns out, is actually an expert in baseball. So that was good, but I thought we should get another expert, and so I thought we should bring in the star. I would argue of the end of sports podcast friend Derek Silva. How you doing, Derek?


Oh, wonderful. Thank you for that. I’m also on sabbatical too, so I’m sharing your insider outsider kind of place in academia right now, but I’m happy to be here.


Yeah, it feels good, doesn’t it?


It does. It’s refreshing. Just get out of academia if we can. Let’s just all do it.


Right? And then in our own academia, outside of academia,


It’s a test run. This is before you do it for real.


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So Derek, for our listeners who aren’t deep into your cv, can you tell us a little bit about the work that you do?


Yeah, yeah. So I’m a sociologist of sport. I guess what kind of brings me to this episode would be I’m also a critical media scholar as well. I’m not a scholar of disability, so you both will school me when it comes to that, but I do take a critical lens when it comes to the sports world, and I co-host the end of sport podcasts, which looks at sport from a critical perspective in terms of labor issues, issues of harm and violence in sport. And I also do that in my academic work as well. I guess I’ll give a brief shout out to my forthcoming book called The End of College Football on Harm in US College Football with UNC press, and that will come out in the fall.


Yeah, so, okay, dear listeners, we have a real treat for you here, not just our guests, although they’re lovely, but we have found ourselves a real beauty of a film. We are of course this month talking about The Hill. The hill, which is on can reach it on Netflix here in Canada. For those of you who have not watched the Hill, the Hill is described as thusly: Growing up in an impoverished small town, Texas young Rickey Hill shows an extraordinary ability for hit a baseball, despite being burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. His stern pastoral father discourages Rickey from playing baseball to protect him from injury and to have him follow in his footsteps and become a preacher. As a young man, Rickey becomes a baseball phenol. His desire to participate in a tryout for a legendary major league scout divides the family and threatens Rickey’s dream of playing professional baseball. It’s very long description on the back of the box, but how would you say they did here on capturing the tone of the film?


Poor given this is a two hour film and it features about 30 to 35 minutes of total baseball or baseball related scripting. So it seems the background makes it revolve around the trope of being a baseball prodigy, but he is really kind of a prodigy at wandering around hitting rocks and complaining about his family. And then there’s some baseball kind of peripheral to that


On the side and a space launch. There’s also a space launch shoehorned in for some reason.


That’s true. I forgot about that


There were quite a few kind of odd curve ball, pun intended, curve ball moments in this phone.


Oh great pun.


It was good. Which of course we all know the faster it’s thrown, the faster it goes out. So curve balls are not good for hitting numbers,


But he didn’t really seem to be terribly proficient at hitting fast balls. A point to which they break up repeatedly several times during the 35 minutes of actual baseball footage.


Now, the timeline for this film, I also wanted to bring up, because I think it’s phenomenal, we don’t have to unpack this now. I think we’ll unpack it for the next 18 years of our life. The timeline of the film is never give up hope of our film.

Yeah. Now let’s talk a little bit about who actually made this film, because what you might be thinking is that this film was made by Rickey Hill and that is possibly true. That’s one potential answer, but there are some other names that are attached to this, some names that are a little bit surprising. One of the first names I want to draw our attention to is Angelo Pizo. Angelo Pizo is a fairly big name in religious adjacent sports, bio pit inspiration films. You may have heard of some of these films such as Hoosiers, Rudy, Courage. These films are basically, they birthed an entire catalog of films that still continue today, and arguably, we would not have the hill if it wasn’t for these other films. I think it’s also important that we consider The Hill in the context of these other films because they follow a very typical formula that may or may not have anything to do with disability per se. They’re very focused on this sort of idea of the unexpected guy who overcomes the odds based on hard work and a firm love of Jesus. So I’m wondering, Derek, what do you know about these films? What are your thoughts on Hoosiers Rudy Courage?


I mean, they’re that trope of inspirational sports film that’s intended to be the thing you put on at Family Movie Night, and I think that’s where a lot of the viewers come from, and that’s why this film, I think, is done particularly well on Netflix and not in the Box Office because I think it fits that genre very well. And it follows the kind of exact same trope as you’ve kind of laid out in terms of, oh, there’s something that’s made an issue. There’s the nexus of a kind of tension-filled relationships surrounding sport with the main protagonist and someone around them, whether that be their father in this case, or a spouse or the family in general or someone else, and all these roadblocks along the way, and every time something happens so that person gets over that roadblock to kind of reach their dreams.

And I don’t want to put the cart before the horse in terms of talking about the end, but I think the, the final sequence of the film really highlights for me many of the issues with this genre of film. It highlights the fact that the real problematic endpoint or the dreams that have been arrived at aren’t actually beneficial or should be viewed as dreams. In this case, the protagonist went on to play four years in minor league baseball, and we know Minor League baseball has some of the worst working conditions in all of sport before having to give up the game four years later because their spine finally fully succumbed to the issue. So I really think this film masked all of that and really played into the inspiration, and that’s why it fits well for Family Movie Night. I think.


Derek, have you ever profiled a Demotivational sports film?


I don’t think it’s out there, to be honest.


Is the first Rocky properly demotivational?




It could be. I mean, some films, if you take the real view, the end, I think Friday Night Lights as both a film and a TV series did well to highlight the reoccurring cycle of intergenerational socioeconomic issues, trauma, alcoholism, mental health issues that if you move past the stepping stones of like, oh, we’ve made it to the championship game or the state or whatever, we won a ring or whatever it is. If you get beyond that, you realize, okay, society is reinforcing all of these harmful things, and I think it did a decent job. I still think those, the film and the TV series were pretty inspirational in the end anyways, right?


So maybe The Hill was an incredibly unsuccessful inspirational film, but if its rubric was how close it came to Million Dollar Baby or Friday Night Lights, it’s actually extremely successful,




Absolutely. And there’s an entire genre. It’s now very much a formula, and I think highlighting Angelo Pizo footprint or hand prints is important here because it falls the same vein as Rudy and all of those other films that were mentioned, like just believe and everything. It’s the American dream, and that’s what this at the end is always about. It’s that if you try hard, you work hard enough, you and you are righteous and believe in God and you’re God-fearing you, fear your dreams will be reached. And in this case, that nexus between sport and religion was completely kind of played open for us to see. It was a movie about that


God found Rickey Hill fit for minor league baseball. For the Montreal team,


Yes, for the expos, yes. Yeah, I mean, it’s interesting. I mean, the hail I think is very overt. It literally references multiple times David versus Goliath, but that seems to be also at the root of a lot of Angela Peso’s work. Rudy is literally a tiny man, tiny little boy going up against Notre Dame, and this is a big thing. But Angela Pizo, I did not know. This is not the first time that disability has played a role in his work. He also did a movie called Bleed for This, which was about a boxer, a boxer named Vinny. Vinny Pza. I’m terrible with names. Apologies to Boxer. Please don’t come and kill me. This is about a boxer who ends up a car accident, has a disability, overcomes the disability, goes back to boxing, basically. Yeah, we might be doing bleed for this in a future season. Derek, we might need to have you back.


Oh yeah, invite me back.


Angela Pizo also wrote one episode of the TV show, knots Landings. He broke this episode two years before writing Hoosiers, which seems really off brand to me, and so I had to break it up. This film has two other full writers though and possibly many more that were not credited. We also have Scott Marshall Smith, who’s also a bit of a name. He has written things like Men of Honor starring Cuba “Somebody sucked that Baby’s Dick” Good Jr. If you don’t know that, look it up. Also, Robert Downey Jr. Is in that one. Scott Marshall Smith also wrote the score, which stars Edward Norton, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando. So there’s a bit of star power here, and the last listed writer is a guy named Bill Shain who hasn’t really done a lot. He’s written one of the short, also wrote a documentary about a street racer slash Vietnam War vet who partners up with an LA deputy slash pro racer and they end the fe between the Crip and the blood.

I guess they were successful. I don’t think that’s happening anymore. So it was good. So that’s sort of the writing team as we understand it. In terms of the director, the director is a little not really known. I did not know this director previously. His name is Jeff, not me, different Jeff. Jeff Celentano. He’s worked in pretty much every facet of film has been involved in a ton of spinoff movies in the nineties. So he directed American Ninja two, the Confrontation and Puppet Master two, but did that under a different name under the name Jeff Weston. He is now a screenplay writer, director, and active teacher at the Performing Academy in Life Forest, California. A lot of his films are sort of a mix of action comedy. They tend to be pretty B-list kind of made for tv. He has a recent focus, however, in biopic redemption stories, and so I think that might be why he was tapped for this film. Also, a lot of his films are about stark cross lovers with gang or mob affiliation that unfortunately not a factor in this film. I wish. He also has a real interest for psychotic killers in several of his movies included Bosco Heat and Under the Hula Moon, both of these feature characters dubbed as psychotic killers or murderous psychopaths that need to be overcome within the text. But we can finally talk about the thing that we all want to talk about, which is Dennis Quaid.




This film stars Dennis Quaid. Do I need to introduce Dennis Quaid? Do people know who Dennis Quaid is?


I think you do, because in your notes you introduced him as the Star of Soul Surfer, and that’s actually Anna Sophia Rob.


Well, it depends on how you watch it.


So I often confuse those two individuals. They’re both impossibly hot and completely charismatically controlling on screen.


See, some people watch Soul Surfer for the surfer. I watch Soul Surfer for the father.


It wasn’t Soul Surfer’s Family, it was Soul Surfer.


Yeah, it was Soul Surfer’s Dad, the real hero. Dennis Quaid obviously has been in a million, literally maybe a million things any given Sunday stands out. Another sports film also, I always forget this, he was in W Herb, he played Doc Holiday in Wyatt Earp, which I don’t know how I would forget something like that. But more importantly for this podcast, he was also in a film that haunts my pop culture and disability class at King’s, Johnny Belinda, which is an old film of phase that comes up a lot for whatever reason. So what are our thoughts on Dennis Quaid folks? Where are we on the qua verse?


So I think I shared this story with Jeff offline, and when he asked me to watch this and comment and come on the podcast, he told me The Hill. So I read just very briefly about what it was before saying yes, and I thought to myself, I was like, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dennis Qua is in this film. It just kind of seemed like age appropriate for him in that character’s role in the role of the father as well. It just seemed maybe this is just like the rookie, the film, the rookie kind of, and I just see it. I am not surprised. I also said an or a kind of related film draft day, which isn’t about disability at all, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Dennis Quaid was considered for the role in Draft Day as well, and it ultimately went to Kevin Costner. Those two seem interchangeable when it comes to these types of roles. So I was super unsurprised that he was in it, but it’s also kind of jarring because very, very big name for a seemingly not big kind of, this doesn’t seem like a big budget film or anything like that, and kind of quickly taken out of Box Office and put on Netflix. I don’t know if that’s an indication of Dennis CO’s career. I don’t know. I have no idea, but I was kind of surprised.


I think he might’ve just liked the script, which my head Canon was actually written by Rickey Hill and then was just edited and substantiated by actual screenplay writers. But if you get the guy who’s a semi-successful gospel singer to play your Come to Jesus, I’m rejecting the church in favor of the Church of Baseball narrative. It’s not just a fan cast. He probably read that and was like, I would love to be this guy. I want my name on that. And then it became the Hill,


Right? Right. He was like, I didn’t get the Oscar for Soul Surfer. Maybe I can get the Oscar for the Hill.


Follow it up with my Church of Baseball Prodigy Epic. Yeah,


Yeah, that was the issue, very likely. So Dennis Quaid, of course, plays the Hard thumping Bible daddy, which I was going to say is a fairly one note character. I think there’s two notes to this character. He’s a bit of a loving father. He also is an abusive father, so 1960s.


Yeah, I think there were some pretty heavy editorial decisions there around the historical profile of Dennis Quaid’s character.


Yeah, yeah, we will definitely have to talk about that. Yeah,


I hope I have some thoughts on that as


Well. Yep. Okay, so we also have Colin Ford. Colin Ford would be the other sort of star arguably of this film. Colin Ford will play, I was going to say an older, older Rickey Hill, a teenaged, Rickey Hill High School senior Rickey Hill, Colin Ford. I found this fact interesting. Entered the entertainment industry as a 4-year-old model in Atlanta, which I find, I have no idea what that means, baby models, man, they’re everywhere. He’s also been in a ton of TV shows. You probably, however, recognized him as Dylan me in the film, we bought a zoo. If you are the type of person to watch that film or possibly as Steve Danvers and Captain Marvel, which he may have watched, he also did two very early two thousands Mormon films. There were historical films about the Mormons called The Work and The Glory, and anytime I see a Mormon, I want to talk about it. So there it’s calling forward. For our listeners who were in the disability verse will maybe recognize him from Dumb and Dumber. When Harry met Lloyd, he was Lloyd Christmas in the sequel to Dumb and Dumber. He also has done voice work in Family Guy, and he was in one episode of the Netflix hit series, Dahmer Monster, the Jeffrey Dahmer story.


Oh, is that the daher that most people shortened to just Dahmer? Correct. Because of common sense conventions? Yeah.


It is officially Dahmer hyphen Monster, colon, the Jeffrey Dahmer story


Silliness, the one that didn’t get permission from the witnesses to make most of the screenplay about the witnesses, that Dahmer slash Monster slash Jeffrey Dahmer story,


Which was made by the guy who did Glee, an American Horror Story, which also has some really fun disability politics. So yeah, it’s all interconnected. All interconnected. Last but not least, I have to bring this up because it’s going to play a role later. Joelle Carter is also in this. She plays Brie’s mom. She’s had a fairly impressive acting career, most notably appearing as Ava Crowder in the TV show. Justified. There’s another kind of coser in just right. Am I making that up? I think so. Is that Kevin Costner? Is it just


Honestly mostly with Dennis? It could be. It could be either. It could be both at the same time,


Both just interchange. Yep. Also it within films like High Fidelity and American Pie too. So that’s sort of our cast of characters. There are a series of other characters that are unimportant. Okay, so some production notes about this film. This movie, it should be noted, was in production hell for years, largely it would appear held up by Rickey Hill himself, not settling on the right director for the project. According to history versus, over 40 directors were considered for this film over the span of 17 years. Ano was eventually selected at the recommendation of his brother. So the story goes that his brother was in a hotel lobby and he overheard Rickey Hill talking loudly publicly about not having a director for this film, and Jeff Tino’s brother leaned over and said, I got the director for you, my brother. I have no idea if this is true, but I find this hilarious.

Rickey has publicly stated that his intention for this project was to inspire. He says on his own website, I hope audiences find inspiration in their depiction of my life and that it offers encouragement to anyone with a physical disability because loving what you do is the key to a wonderful life. We can confirm Rickey’s family was quite poor while growing up. In some interviews I’ve heard it stated that they ate cat food. In other interviews, I’ve heard it say that they eat dog food to survive. Per the end of the movie, Rickey Hill does eventually sign a pro contract with the Montreal Expos, RIP, but he never played in the majors. He quit several years later due to injury. A local newspaper article written by Sally Kroger does say that Rickey has been through 49 surgeries in his lifetime, living most of his days of chronic pain, but never let it stop him from his dreams. He’s broken nearly every bone and has been in three near death car accidents where ribs and his fever have been smashed. His skull was cracked, and one wreck resulted in a year long concussion. In the last accident, troopers were surprised to find he was still alive. Why is the hill not about the car accident?


That’s true. My other question, if you’ll indulge me for a second, was I do like that they admit he lived most of his days in chronic pain. He is got chronic illness, he’s got permanent disability, but I’m literally struggling to recall more than two or three scenes that even referenced the chronic illness. So if that’s your movie’s premise, wouldn’t that have taken up more of the screenplay?


Absolutely. Not only did I notice that as well, but I think it was particularly interesting how the only time the disability crept in was when it was an obvious manifestation of getting in the way of something that he was supposedly dreaming of. That’s the only time or wanted even when he went to kiss his partner, the reunited with the long girlfriend from when he was four years old, which is also a little bit creepy, but also that’s a side story they’re going to kiss for the first time, and that’s when you see the back pain. That’s supposedly been always happening, and then you don’t see it again for the entire film, not


When he is doing the big wraparound swings,


Full body rotation, Sarah, full body rotation.


Okay. I don’t think, I am shocked that the actual script writing had full body rotation in the 10 times that it did


Full body rotation.


It just seems like there was probably a better way to write that dialogue than full body rotation every time.


I felt that same thing about just about every single line of dialogue. I think whenever someone spoke, I was like, there had to been a better way.


You would think,


But there wasn’t,


But no, but no, the last production note, I will say, so this movie was set in the sixties slash seventies, mostly as I like to do, I counted. We got four cripples in this text. The word cripple was used four times. Was that more or less cripples than you expected when you first started this film?


Far fewer for me, to be honest, considering the time I expected




Texas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just the whole scene seen, but yeah, yeah. Far fewer than I.


Far fewer. Okay. So we’ll give it a passive grade maybe on that one. Okay, good. Good.

Okay. Now, we of course have our own opinions about this film strong and maybe not so strong and definitely silly, but we are not the only ones. There are legitimate people in this world who write critique. Then there are more important people in this world that write critique. So how has the Hill fared critically? Well, as you can probably imagine, critics have not been enamored with this film. It currently sits with a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes from critics, how it holds a dazzling 97% fresh from over 500 verified audience members, meaning that it is a better movie than Alien, only 94%, and Lawrence of Arabia only 39%. It similarly has a ton of perfect scores on IMDB and Amazon. Most of these positive reviews talk exclusively about how great it is that this movie has no sex or swearing. So take that for what you will.


It was God’s perfect film.


Yep. That’s what made it great. Five stars, no sex. I don’t fully know what you thought this movie was going to be if you went into it beginning line. I hope there’s not a lot of sex in this film.


You know what? I’m going to stand up for the viewer on this one. I was just speaking to my friend the other day. I was watching, I don’t even remember what anymore. I think it was Immaculate, the New Sydney Sweeney movie, and I said, I think we’ve taken the turn away from Cinema Bashfulness way too far. I think we need to bring back some of the bashfulness that was originally in cinema because as not a sex haver, as an asexual, I don’t like any of it, but I find myself regularly having to sit through 10 uninterrupted minutes of either foreplay or full on sexual action, and I keep having to ask myself, even if I was a sex Haber, what is the purpose of this scene being longer than about 30 seconds? And it’s endemic at this point. It used to be a flag for HBO, and now it’s a flag for modern cinema and television.


Yeah. I mean, I can always get, I’m with you. I don’t understand the sort of fetishization of sex across cinema and in, I think in this case, it tells the interesting story of who’s actually watching this film a little bit more. A hundred percent. The people who are watching this film are Go Hard Christians. I don’t know. That’s speculation, I should say.


I think it’s pretty fair speculation. Explain to you why that is in a moment. Okay, so let’s hear some critique here. So Raven Brenner running for the Decider. This is what they had to say about the film. The movie story is cliche and rather preachy, but it isn’t bad. Rickey’s story isn’t important and engaging. Whenever viewers aren’t being weighed down by the pastor’s repetitive prejudice against his family and community,


I’m often weighed down by a pastor’s repetitive pettiness toward community.


Yeah. I was wanting to hate this review until the ellipses Raven really wanted me over with the dot, dot dot. I was like, is this important? Is it engaging


The depths of his hatred while proclaiming God’s love?




Yeah, yeah. That was pretty, yeah. Carla Hayes similarly was not super impressed writing for culture mix. Carla says, the Hill is a poorly constructed faith-based biopic about disabled baseball player. Rickey Hill, this long-winded and preachy drama leaves big questions unanswered about his life,


Such as when he was disabled, which was apparently not all of the time,


Or also his 18 million near death car accidents.


The runtime on this was close to two hours or maybe even more than two hours.


It was over two hours.


This was over two hours. Yeah. It did not need to be that long. And the fact that we know very little about Rickey’s life outside of baseball and his father, it’s shocking for a film of that length.


Now, rotten Tomatoes user, Kathleen agrees, and I’ve got to read you this. This is what Rotten Tomatoes user wrote. The character portrayal of Mother seems inaccurate. I believe her roots were Jamaican, so mother did not look Jamaican. Also maybe by choice. The life after baseball did not say Rick had continued in his father’s footsteps and nowhere, even in Wikipedia, doesn’t say anything about marriage. Children, a lot of unanswered info. Now, I read this and was very confused because I think we could all agree Rickey Hill’s mother in no way seems Jamaican in this film. No. Now I looked it up and there is a Ricky Hill with no E, R-I-C-K-Y, Ricky Hill from Britain, who is I believe, a soccer player. His mother is Jamaican and his father is Indian. But otherwise, I have found no evidence anywhere that Rickey Hill’s mother is Jamaican. So with


Kathleen not confused that Rickey was also playing the wrong sport for the entire


In a different country.


Not a sports fan. Not a sports fan.


Kathleen did answer with a lot of unanswered info. One of them being, when did he switch to soccer?


Also moved to the uk.


Yes. And his father was also Indian,


And nothing about accents then. It’s a little bit shocking.


Now, of course, these are professional criticisms and professionals. I mean, east Coast elites, they don’t really know what’s going on in films. The real reviews we can find in the comment sections of Amazon and IMDB. So let’s hear what real Americans, real people, they’re probably American, but who knows? Real people have to say about the Hill. First off, we’ve got Rotten Tomatoes user, Lori, I love that. It’s all first names on Rotten Tomato. It’s very personal. Rotten Tomatoes user. Lori gave this movie a five out of five and said, quote, wonderful, clean God-honoring movie. It was also a movie that was true to life and one that my friend and I enjoyed, but also we’re able to discuss and apply to our everyday lives. So the question I have for you is, have you discussed this with your friends and what are you applying from the hill to your everyday life?


The Hill taught me that if I want to succeed as per dreams that seem on their face unachievable, I just need to possess the power to pause or entirely interrupt my disability at the kind of pivotal moment when he is banging out Homer after Homer after Homer and his back’s not hurting. So during my dissertation defense, I just had to have the innate ability to dial off my schizophrenia for three to three and a half hours, and with that, my dreams were achieved.


Yeah, overcomeable purely over accountable.


I mean, I haven’t spoken about this to a soul other than you two. So in terms of that, but I guess you’re my friends, so yeah, so you’re my friends. So I guess that is one thing, and in terms of yes, what I’m taking out of it, it’s that for some religion truly is the opiate of the masses, and it can overcome everything and it can make life just fine and dandy. Also to echo what is with power of God, yes, with the power of God and with hard work, you can just overcome everything, including a supposedly debilitating thing that is every day affecting you, but we don’t really see it at all, and all of the kind of consequences and day-to-day issues are not really represented. But you’ll get the girl, you’ll get the job, you’ll get everything you want.


You’ll get Montreal,


You’ll get the Montreal Expos


…get the Montreal Expos. This was kind of a bitter crip community take from me, but I couldn’t help but notice that in that pivotal scene where he is begging the agents to give him another shot, even though there was a rule stipulated five minutes prior that said, please do not beg the agents to give you another shot, A, they made an exception for him because he is special and his disability is probably special, and B, he still whiffed that opportunity. But even excluding all that, all of it only transpired because I guess God loves him, and he could just miraculously turn off all of these odds that made the movie so inspiring, and I sat there with my arms crossed. Wouldn’t that be nice way to go, Rickey Hill?


So you never gave up hope, as the tagline says, right.


I just got to hope harder.


Yeah, just got to hope harder. Yeah. That’s the answer. Hope


That’ll get me tenure, right? If I just write to everybody and I say, I just have a lot of hope and God on my side.


I didn’t meet any production for the last 10 years, but I hoped I did, so I think I deserve.


Yeah, I would say, I think one of the things that I definitely took away from the movie is the importance of a hat. Wear an investor. If you have a man with money who’s circulating in the background, anything that’s possible, surgeries, training, get it onto teams. You got to get a money guy standing up


To your abusive larger than life father.


Yeah, you need a money guy. You definitely need a money guy that runs throughout. For


Sure. This movie actually might’ve been more interesting, had it centered on his angel investor slash coach. I would watch a two hour movie about how this guy finagled Rickey Hill into the position he got him in.


Yeah. Who is essentially running an auto shop slash wrecking yard, I believe. Yeah.


He was a part-time professional baseball coach.


Yeah, absolutely. Okay. So Amazon, Amazon user Shield court gave this a three out of five title with great movie proofing. All things are possible. Good movie for families to show children. You can do anything in life. If you want it bad enough, you can succeed. Did Rickey Hill succeed?


No, he didn’t. That’s kind of the central irony


Of the movie. Harsh, but fair.


Yeah. So many, or a couple years ago, June Lee from ES PN broke a news story basically highlighting all of the horrendous working conditions that existed in minor league baseball, horrendous. That caused extreme deprivation in terms of socioeconomic status, home insecurity caused some mental health issues, physical health issues amongst players, and that just in 2022, finally, finally stimulated the minor league baseball, minor league baseball as a whole to start providing housing just simply somewhere to live for Minor league. So by having that end scene, oh, he spent four years in minor league baseball. It seems like dreams were made, but no. Okay. So Rickey went and worked for four years in one of the most brutal working condition areas of sport that we know borderline. That’s not professional. You can say they’re paid. So that’s simply not professional baseball, and it certainly isn’t the major leagues. And then it ended with an injury that ultimately rendered impossible to play. So did Rickey succeed? Certainly, certainly not objectively not, but this movie hides that fact completely.


On a scale of Amazon warehouse to iPhone factory, where would Minor league baseball sit?


Ooh. I would say it’s probably closer to the Amazon factory where they probably bean count literally everything. And if they’re not there for practice, if they have to go to the washroom too many times they get fired, that type of thing. Wow.


That’s really fascinating context to add to is hope will achieve exactly what you’re looking for. Stories. Yes.


Right. So you’ve heard of Angels in the Outfield now, while peeing myself in the outfield,


Turns out he took a really arduous route of applying for grad school



Now. Okay. Our final review, this one’s a long one, you’ve got to indulge me, but it’s a ride and I could not, so this is an IMDB review, which is a great place for reviews. This is from EMDM md, I believe. This is just like that person smashed their head on the keyboard md. They gave it a 10 out of 10. I love this movie is the title. Okay. I thought I would like it since it has Dennis Qua, I actually loved the movie. It’s so refreshing to see a realistic movie with good actors and no cg. I thought the storyline was interesting, and I didn’t even realize the movie was over two hours. I’m not usually in for a long movie, but this one kept my interest. I just really liked Dennis Qua in this type of role. See, it was excellent, and all the actors were great in their roles. If a movie is going to have a sport in the background, I prefer it to be baseball because that’s the only sport that I like at all. I just love the character Red and whoever played them was so entertaining. I’m 55, and that’s how I remember old men acting and comported themselves when I was a child in the seventies. I enjoyed the historical setting, was quite accurate. I saw some things that were a little off, but overall it was excellent.


I love this review because it admitted straight up that this movie was not even tangentially about baseball.


They got it. I love that. They’re like, if there’s a sport in the background, I’d prefer it to be baseball. The


American sport. Yeah.


Yeah. The only one that they like at all


At all. Emphasis.


I also really liked that he pointed out that there were some historical inaccuracies, probably the most glaring one being that the fundamentalist mid Texas sixties preacher was not beating the shit out of his wife. I couldn’t stop bringing that up.


That is the thing that Sarah could not stop bringing it up. The thing that the people on the internet cannot stop bringing up is the fact that the car that he drives was released right around the time of when he was driving it, and yet the car he’s driving is like a 50-year-old beater, a beat up car, and that really upset people on the internet.


Interesting. People love pointing out


They couldn’t handle it. That broke the realism for some people. Yeah.


Yeah. Avatar was basically real life, but the shade of Blue James Cameron used actually was not released until post 2012. So we know that at least that part of Avatar was inaccurate.


Not accurate. No. I think we all know that the Navi hadn’t become water tribes until well after the 15th century split.


Yeah. Thank God. Someone pointed that out.


Multiple people talked about the car, which, cool. The other thing I wanted to talk about, okay, there’s two things I wanted to talk about. Thing number one, this mention about no cg. I just want to do a real quick start temperature check. How were we feeling after he broke his ankle on a sprinkler and then they showed it? That was pretty wild that they showed it.


Maybe a 70. No, he said he was 50 something, but grew up in the seventies maybe he thought that we do actually break actors’ legs for the bit.


Yeah. Well, better back then, back when you actually killed the actor and they died on set, it was better. Yeah.


Yeah. War movies were just massive casualty fests.


Yeah. I don’t know if you know this, but Tom Hanks did not die at Saving Private Ryan. Yeah. It breaks everything with the movie.


I’ve been memorializing him for years.


Well, and then the other thing was this question, this thing about how old men acting and comported themselves when they were a child in the seventies. Okay. I want to know what you think this person was referring to.


I already told you. I think he’s referring to corporal punishment


That you believe that’s the lament


Sixties Texas? Yes.


Yeah. Okay. But they loved that. They loved that part.


So this review loved the fact that there was corporal real punishment?


That’s what I’m wondering. He says, I’m 55, and that’s how I remember old men acted like comported themselves.


I’m hearing him say he really liked the dispositions of people like Red who played the baseball recruiting Phantom and Dennis Quaid, who plays the preacher father because they’re both extreme fundamentalists. Nothing that isn’t excellent is good enough, and all of those traits, the one that you’re missing there is what happens when something is less than good enough.


Right? Yeah. Yeah. That stood out. It’s funny, I think particularly as Sarah and I were watching it, we were talking a lot about they just outright abuse. The movie doesn’t hide by any means, but I mean doesn’t exactly hide.


They dance around it


Quite a little bit. A little bit, yeah. Okay, so that’s what people on the internet say. Apparently, if you are an official critic, you did not like the movie. If you were into movies that did not have swearing or sex, you love the movie. That’s sort of the line. So let’s do sort a little round table here or sort of general impressions of the Hill.


Yeah, I’ll start. Yeah, happy to start. In general, I think it was just that stereotypical cookie cutter inspirational film that is really about the American dream that chooses to do so through sport, through a tangentially related depiction of sport. It was boring, straight up, just boring all the way through two hours. I couldn’t believe that I was still watching this, to be honest. And I think it’s because of the, there’s no nuance to that story about the American dream. There’s nothing there. It’s a story that we’ve been told over and over again. So we think something is there, and that’s, I think partially why people, a particular niche of movie lover loves this film because they love seeing kind of that American dream over and over and over. Take it from sport, put it on film, put it on banking, put it on whatever story, whatever David versus Goliath story that you can get.

In this case, I think in the first 30 minutes, I actually, I had some hope for the story because it seemed that this was going to be more of a story about how the influence of religion is kind of dying and the influence of sport is growing. That dropped off completely, completely after the first 35 minutes. So I’m actually interested in the first 35 minutes. The movie was boring. It had a lot of weird things that happened, and I think the big takeaways, it was a failed opportunity to actually discuss the kind of true intersection between sport and religion as offering what Karl Marx would say, opiate of the masses, ways to deal with the shit that is capitalism, which was put right in front of us in this film. But it ultimately falls short in exploring that intersection in depth, and it could have done so through a true representation of disability. It could have done that. It was right up there. It was like the perfect down the middle strike that anyone could hit a home run and they just failed to even pick that up. And I think that’s the ultimate failing of this film and why it led to two hours of like, okay, is this film done yet? I’ve seen this film 30 times.


Yeah, yeah.


Derek, this is why you’re God’s favorite sports theorist because it is wild how parallel I am to your review. But if you take out religion and you put in disability, that’s how I felt about the film. So I was just looking at it with my lens and you were looking at it with your lens, and I was just continuously frustrated by the mistakes they were making, even to the point of pettiness, if he gets up to the plate and I’m noticing that he’s not struggling at all, because this would not be an opportune moment for him to be struggling, which I bitch about constantly with goodwill hunting, but that’s a mental disability when it counts. There is no disability whatsoever in this film, and the central premise of this film is your ability to pass is absolutely central to whether or not you’ll make it in life, and I think there’s a really interesting relationship between the age cohort that likes this film and that premise. Those things go together. So anybody who was brought up for 60 years to believe, yes, your ability to pass absolutely decides whether or not you get to succeed in society. They fucking love this film because it proves that premise.


Yeah. I got to say, I mean, we’ve watched a lot of bad movies on this pod. This one for a religious film just felt far more soulless than much of what we’ve watched. This thing was so empty from start to finish. There were so many scenes where I think that the rocket launch scene is such a prime example because it’s like they had seen October Sky, that Jake John Hall film, and they were like, we got to recapture the magic of the hill folk going outside and trying to see the shuttle when it goes overhead. So okay, we’ll have them watch the liftoff, and it’s like, oh, get it. It’s the sixties. There’s just so much of that where they’re referring to all of these other cultural tropes, these existing scenes for movies that they’ve smashed together into a pastiche to try to show something that’s familiar and understandable, I think, to the audience as opposed to doing what people actually want from biopic, which is give us the nitty gritty of someone’s life. Give us the dirt, so to speak. There was some dirt here, but a lot of it was made up, which we could get into a little bit later. But unfortunately, we are all out of time for this episode. Oh, no. So if you want to know what actually happens in this film, you just got to come back next week, brothers and sisters to get the true story, or at least the story as told by Rickey Hill about The Hill, the story about Rickey Hill. See you next week,

And thus concludes another episode of Invalid Culture. Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed it or not. Either way, please take a second. If you haven’t to subscribe to our podcast on whatever platform you’re using, tell a friend, and better yet, do you want to be a victim on the podcast? Go on to our website, invalid, submit your name. We would love to terrorize you with a bad movie, have a bad movie of your own that you think that we should watch. Again, jump on our website,, submit it, and we would love to watch the trash. Be sure to tune in again next week for part two where we will start to dig into the movie and find out whether or not it wins the coveted Jerry Lewis seal of approval!

Episode theme song, Mvll Crimes:

With strangers on the internet. Everyone is wrong. I just haven’t told them yet.

Part 2 transcript

<episode begins with a mash-up of young Rickey Hill saying “Full Body Rotation” and screaming>

You are listening to Invalid Culture, a podcast dedicated to excavating the strangest and most baffling media representations of disability. This podcast is all about staring into the abyss of pop culture adjacent films that never quite broke through because well, they’re just awful. So buckle up folks. The following content is rated I for invalid.

Theme song, “Arguing With Strangers on the Internet” by Mvll Crimes:

I’m arguing with strangers on the internet not going out today because I’m feeling too upset wing with strangers on the internet and I’m winning.


Welcome back to another thrilling edition of Invalid Culture, part two of The Hill, the baseball movie that you’ve all been waiting for. As always, I am your host, Jeff Preston. I am joined co-host. Sarah, how are you doing?


Always amazing. How are you, Jeff?


Pretty good. How many dingers have you hit so far today?


400 today. How about you, Jeff?


  1. I haven’t actually strapped on my legs yet. I’m hoping to get some full body rotation after this pod.


Full body rotation. What about you, Derek?


Yes, ma’am.


I think I lost count after 16.


Okay. That that’s pretty common. I mean, 16, 200. It’s all the same in the bigs, my friend. Absolutely. Yeah. Derek Silva, thanks you for coming back. I’m glad you accepted a return to this challenge.


Oh, happy to be here. I’m excited for part two of this conversation.


Okay, my friends, I think it’s time we got to talk about what happens in this film. The Hill as told by Jeff Preston, our story begins in 1960 something rural Texas where a young Forrest Gump, sorry, Rickey Cricket, no wait. Rickey Hill is blasting some rocks at gravestones with his perfected major league swing, sassy Child Bride and MLB Doping Investigator Gracie Shan confronts Rickey claiming that a cripple will never make the majors and suspects that the only way he can hit so well is because he’s Chean Rickey, son of a poor Baptist preacher just loves hitting dingers everywhere he goes, including blasting two through the front windshield of cowboy hat enthusiasts and local angel investor Ray Clements. Unfortunately, the Hills are almost immediately uprooted from their home when their pastor father is run out of town by a rabble of drunk angry hicks who wish only to consume tobacco while hearing the good word.

Approximately 30 movies, sorry, approximately 30 minutes of poverty and preaching. Later we finally get our first glimpse of actual baseball. Rickey and disciplines now settled in a different rural Texas town, stumbled upon a group of local boys playing some backyard ball and Rickey wants to join, but oh no, there is no place for robot boys in baseball says local full-time pitcher, part-time hooligan dubbed the flamethrower. A proposition is made if FU can hit a pitch thrown by this young phenom. The Hill brothers will be allowed to play in dramatic fashion after whiffing on two pitches. Rickey overcomes his feeble legs by destroying his leg braces, screams full body rotation, and blasts one into the outfield. The crowd goes mild.


I just noticed when you were summarizing it, the kind of simplistic parallelism the film itself makes between if you can hit against this really hard pitcher at 10 and then again at 16 we’ll allow you to play. And then the end of the film, spoiler alert, he’s trying out for Muff Red and he has to hit against their most competitive pitcher that’s being recruited. And I didn’t realize that until you were just summarizing now, and I was like, huh. Well, that was obviously entirely intentional and it brings up some interesting film theory things you could say about the point of parallelism or whether there’s any kind of bian relationship between where he starts and where he finishes. But I think all of those conversations are giving the film more credit than the probably simple premise of look how many times he’s being asked to hit a ball to fuel his future.


Yeah, I mean, I think the first act of the movie set up what was the problematic premise of the movie, which we talked about in the last episode with this sort of, if you just work hard and you have this sort of Protestant ethic as a sociologist Max Weber, or sorry a male Durkheim would call it, as long as you have this kind of Protestant ethic, you will be able to succeed in life and succeed in a life that is a capitalist life, succeed in a life that they’re also depicting and they’re showing the viewer the really poor conditions of capitalist life, of precarity, of socioeconomic deprivation, of alcoholism, of tobacco and other forms of addiction and really highlighting those things. And then that’s setting it up as that can be overcome as long as you just turn to God. And in this case, the father being the pastor, it all kind of played into that religion trope or the religious movie trope that as long as you live a righteous life, everything your dreams, your hopes will be made possible.

And what I noticed in the first half is it really set up this moral or a series of moral quandaries, if you’ll put it on the part of, not Rickey, but his father James, which I found interesting in the first bit. I was actually intrigued. So the fact that when he was giving his sermon and he’s looking at people who are smoking and people chewing tobacco and then he makes the decision that that’s something wrong, that’s something that you should not do, and he calls it out. Okay, so it seems like cigarettes, like tobacco is being used as this sort of moral, I dunno, moral compass issue. I was intrigued at least to see where that went. And not to put the cart before the horse, but I think in later acts we see that falls flat and I can talk about that in the future, but I think the first act, I’d sum it up with their opportunity, there was opportunity for this film there presented and whether or not the rest of the film actually is just a repetition of that first act or if it actually builds on that. I think we can get in this conversation.


I think you’re right that Durkheim would’ve loved this movie, especially the kind of continuous unrelenting precarity narrative and how starkly it was contrasted against this kind of chosen one epic of Rickey Hill, which time would’ve been all about that.


Yeah, well, any functionalist, and let’s be real, even in contemporary sociologists function, they seem to be like the same people who are writing reviews for this film.


That’s true.


He’s the core audience.


Well, I mean the father literally is a Protestant preacher. He’s a Baptist preacher, right? Yeah. Okay. I got to be real. When I started watching this, I thought what was being set up here in the first half or the first third, I thought they were trying to set up this notion of there is a corruption in the outside world, whether it’s the corruption of tobacco, the corruption of white sport idolatry, the corruption of, dare I say ableism. I thought that there was this notion of their family is this pristine unit that is struggling to live right in a world that is otherwise corrupted. So they live in poverty because the capitalist world doesn’t acknowledge the value of good preaching and good family, for instance. It felt like that’s where this thing was going, and spoiler alert, it does not, dear listener, that is not where this goes. I think you’re right


Though that it does intentionally set up the idolatry arc because of that scene with the baseball cards,


Right? Literally. Yeah, right. It’s like you’re like, who’s your God? Mickey Mantle. Yeah.


They went as far as exclusively drawing that example, and then I was like, oh, that was actually really good. And then they never brought it up ever again.


Right. And so I don’t know if this is a matter if this is perhaps, maybe this is where a talented writer, if we can go so far as to say Angelo Pizo is a talented writer. A talented writer has come in and said, let’s lay some foundation here, and then it just didn’t get picked up on or it got cut out in edits. I mean, this movie is super long already or is this a matter of, these are just things that Rickey remember happening. He’s like, oh, I remember when my dad got kicked out of that church because he harshed on people smoking and I remember getting yelled at because we had baseball cards. What’s really unclear? It’s like were they trying to build some thematic element here or is this literally just moments that he remembered?


Yeah, you could give it the bildungsroman angle, but I think especially if you have a talented screenplay writer doing the baseball card scene, which was fairly well thought out, and for people who don’t want to watch this, it’s that he and the Rickey Hill and his brother are trading very, very old baseball cards. This is the sixties of very famous players that they idolize and when the preacher father comes in, they try to hide the cards in their Bible. So then the father knowing that something’s up, opens the Bibles, finds the baseball cards and gives them this whole rant about false idolatry and how horrible it is to hold these people on a pedestal. The kind of central irony of that is that it’s a preacher telling them to do so. And if you’re not fundamentalist, you can fairly easily kind of start asking questions about, well, what’s the difference between listening to my dad, the preacher who’s been kicked out of multiple churches and listening to these baseball phenoms who are not trying to tell me how to live my life? And I feel like you can’t set up that rant being delivered by a preacher without the second half later where Rickey has the realization, oh, maybe my dad is also a false prophet, but he never does. So it could be that Rickey himself has never had that realization and he asked that bit to be taken out because it’s disrespectful to his father.


I mean also the fact that at the beginning of the film, it’s like don’t idolize baseball players in a film that’s about trying to idolize a specific baseball player. Yeah,


Yeah. I mean also just I’ll pick up on two points then. I thought that the character Rickey Hill was actually not that narcissistic to use. I think we can get into what that term means, but his father actually was, his father was the center and always put his emotions, I’ll never forget the scene. Well, this is the one scene that really struck out to me, struck me, and it’s when he’s about to beat his eldest son for forging the signature, and I think we can get into that as well, but he’s about to, and what holds him back is his own realization and his own emotion, and then he put the emotional labor on his Sunday, get away from him to give him a moment as if he’s the one there that needs the moment. And he did this in several ways. So I think that picking up on that false idea, that would’ve been amazing. I agree completely. That would’ve been a way in which this story could have been redeemed later on, and that just wasn’t picked up on at all.


And I think that what the movie’s trying to do really badly is it’s trying to show the father, I hate that I’m going to use this phrase liberalizing, that the dad is becoming more liberal generous as he goes. And so he’s like, okay, right. If I tell people to stop smoking in church, I’m going to lose my job again. So maybe I can let that slide and then it’s, I’m not going to let my son play baseball. Okay, I’ll let that slide. I’m not going to watch him play baseball though. Oh, well, okay. I’ll let that slide. And so the whole movie is this downward trajectory in some ways of a preacher giving up on his morals and giving up on his view of the world, which in some ways is a tragedy, but it is pitched in this film I think is being proposed as a good thing that the father is becoming more open-minded and is becoming a better father and a better preacher.


But it seems to me they kind of fail in that though, because one of the penultimate scenes, one of the penultimate scenes that Dennis Qua is in, his wife, his assuming wife who works at home brings him his food and he instructs her to put his plate down as if he controls what’s going on. So if it makes me question if that’s the arc, because if that was, he wouldn’t do that. He’d be like,


I think it’s much more likely that they were setting him up to be just as much a false idol as all of the baseball players. He grew up falsely idolizing, and the only reason I can think of for why they would take out the other half of that parallel because 50% of a half is a fairly significant part of the hole is because Rickey didn’t like it


And it can’t be a success story at the end. It can’t be, oh, he made it to the minor leagues. He’s a success. It simply can’t. If that’s the case, if the story is about false idols and it is about change and reflexive thought on the part of both Rickey and his father, it can’t be like a overcomes everything story. You’ve got to be like, oh, well there’s still deeply problematic issues here and I didn’t win and I have this debilitating pain and all of these things that we’re just kind of side skirted.


Yeah, pushed off to the end credits, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s take a step back. So on the heels of Rickey’s Sandlot moment pressure is now mounted for him to try out for the local youth baseball league. Unfortunately, as you can probably imagine, Rickey’s father believes that baseball is the opiate of the masses and would prefer his son focused on a legitimate career becoming a poverty stricken pastor like his old man. This will then set up a clear tension in the film, Richy believing that God put him on earth to hit homers and his dad’s belief that baseball is too dangerous for his un people son and distracts from the worshiping of JC after a near full-blown belt beaten of his brother for forging a parental permission slip, Rickey eventually convinces his father to let him play and he is well on his way to the majors.

The film now jumps forward to Rickey’s senior year where he is officially a baseball superstar on the high school circuit. His child, Brian Gracie, has stumbled back into his life ready to immediately restart their childhood romance and the scouts are lining up to see him play. That is until tragedy strikes after one again, face it off against the flamethrower and coming out once again, notorious Rickey will have a tragic incident, slippery and falling on the nemesis of all out fielders an in-ground sprinkler system breaking his ankle when evaluated by a local doctor, it’s discovered that not only is Rickey’s leg essentially ruined, he also has the spine of a 60-year-old man caused by a rare degenerative spinal cord disease. Rickey may never play baseball again and worse still, he might not recover in time to play in an open MLB tryout coming to his town in two months time. But friends, it gets worse. God does not have an HMO and so Rickey cannot afford his life saving surgery.


Alright, don’t tell me to back up and then present an hour and 50 minutes of the film. I want to go back way back in that to when he is still in high school because I think there’s a really interesting moment here that is wasted and I like how you phrased it as baseball is the opiate of the press and I know that Derek was talking a little bit about that in regard to religion in the last episode, but if you use baseball as the opiate of the masses, A, you’ve got the cool religion angle because of his problematic father and his problematic family and they’re problematic Winnebago Baptist Church, but also when he gets to high school, you introduce all of these figures besides the angel investor, Ray, whatever his name was that come in to the Baptist setting and start kind of vehemently trying to stand up for Rickey and offering accommodations and all of these things that we associate with good allies than disability theory.

And I was like, okay, that’s actually really getting interesting because they’re introducing all of these ways to try to intervene on the central tension because a lot of people not degrade, but maybe dislike films like Goodwill Hunting and Precious, where the central kind of conflict between ex teenager or young adult and ex adult that’s extremely abusive and oppressive is just not realistically overcomeable and that seems to be one of the driving forces of this movie. This kid and his brother and his mother and whoever the fuck else just do not hold the power to overcome this larger than life preacher. And the film comes ready with answers to that and these guys are so quickly forgotten in favor of this prodigal narrative of his ability to hit Homer’s alone by itself will cause him to absorb himself of all previous circumstances and kind of in turn trivializes the narrative of allies helping out when you need accommodations, legibly or not for disability. So they kind of built it up and then smashed it all in the same 20, 25 minutes.


Yeah, that was one thing that actually that I will am going to give full props to this movie. I like that. Although there are moments and where it’s like the Rigley Hills show of lot of this movie is about how it takes a nation or a village to raise Rickey Hill and Rickey Hill couldn’t…


There was a lot of advocacy here


Without a lot of support from all intergenerational support and internal and external family system support. And I’m like, that to me is the small town experience that I had growing up with a disability in a small town. That’s what I remember is it’s about the community wrapped around and coming to support. So I’m like, okay, thumbs up to that and maybe a tiny thumbs up. I mean, the movie starts out very heavy with Gracie’s father is an abusive drunk dick. He beats the wife and he beats the kid and he’s terrible, but that’s not Rickey’s dad. Rickey’s dad is a good preacher man, and then by the second act, we actually do get this a version where it’s like, no, he was full on going to whoop that brother in front of everybody. And so I was like, you know what? I’m going to give the tiniest of credit, I think to this film actually engaging with masculinity, fatherhood and abuse at this moment in America. It sort of did try to talk about it even if it didn’t talk about it. Well, and even if it backs away a little bit and it’s like, okay, no, no, don’t worry. He didn’t actually beat him with the belt though, which it’s like, well, what about when the cameras weren’t rolling?


He totally did. Yeah.


Yeah. And I mean I think the end thesis of the movie being that as long as you work hard and you are God-fearing that things will overcome, it was always going to hide all of the things that allies have to do or that people have to rely on in order to deal with the alienation of advanced late stage capitalism. And it was again, the missed opportunity for that to be discussed. It told the story of, okay, mark said religion is the opiate of the masses. I would argue religion simply is not any longer, at least in many advanced capitalist societies, that actually things like sport are the opiate of the masses and you can watch it. You can sit on a Tuesday when you’re come back from your shift work and deal with your shitty job and shitty boss and shitty colleagues and the fact that you own nothing that you produce and you can just crack open a Bud Light and watch the blue Jays face the lose. Yeah, lose against the nationals or something. Not only are we dealing with that, but I think that understanding of society relies on this genre of film,


And I’m saying this mostly to rile up Derek, but going to your point, and I do mean this if we’re going to say that something like professional sports is an opiate of the masses, I wonder what you’d then think of people treating X sociological phenomenon as sport. So politics being treated like your favorite sports team, watching your current favorite genocide unfolding and treating that yet another sports team. Do you think this film is getting in the way of that at all, or is it substantiating just sports?


It doesn’t problematize that at all. It doesn’t problematize the fact that we in a society are massively polemical and polarized and every way and that we treat everything. There’s been a sport ization of everything that if you’re a liberal, that’s your team, that you’re going hard for that team as if they’re not talking about genocide as if they’re not actually engaging in colonial, settler, settler colonialism, ongoing genocides that are ongoing right now, that there’s way more at stake. And I think part of the argument, the theoretical argument that I would make in my work is that yeah, sport is replacing things like religion in terms of being the way in which we deal with the alienation of shitty advanced capitalism. But I don’t mean to trivialize that. I am not trying to make it seem like sport is just another one of those things. No, I’m trying to actually make the claim that there are a bunch of different things that are making us truly despise one another through and do what capitalism does, which is pit everyone against everyone.

Sport is one of the ways in which we do that, but also we’re seeing politics does that. I live in rural Ontario and I see fuck Trudeau things happen and I see more Trudeau bumper stickers than Toronto maple leaf or Buffalo bills or anything like that, and I think you’re spot on to make the connection and again, an opportunity for this film delve into that a little bit and just nothing, not even, and I mean sport historically and still contemporarily has that is only positive. People approach sport as if it’s only this positive thing. It doesn’t have these kind of negative consequences. They don’t see


The jingoistic layers that kind of support how it works.


Exactly. They uncritically explore, look at sport. It’s just like, oh, it teaches teamwork, it teaches leadership skills, it keeps you healthy. It’s all good for society, but it doesn’t look at all the ways in which it reify social inequality, exclusion, and is an imperial project for instance. Right.


And destroys bodies literally destroys bodies in this film back to disability


Absolutely destroyed and there’s literally one of the most popular sports in the world is absolutely intended to ruin your brain, period. Is that football? Yeah. No, the end goal of that game is head trauma and once you look at it like that, you can’t unsee that it’s about staying injury free, which means not getting concussed because that’s what the entire sport is premised on other sports are,


But yeah, the premise of the sport is running into each other as fast as you possibly can. How do you only sustain three concussions per career? Maybe three concussions per game.




It’s important to note that there was also a question there though. It’s like, wait, is it football or is he talking about hockey or is he talking about boxing or MMA or Oh shoot. There’s a whole lot of others that also have those same kind of conditions. That’s true.


Elite professional sport. I tell people, and I learned this from my colleague and co-host of them, the sport, Nathan Coleman Lamb who said this to me, and I can never pay him enough to because he’s kind of changed my view. The entire project of professional sport is injury prevention.


May God bless you, Nathan.


That’s it. It has nothing to do with skill it nothing. Because if you can’t play, you will never be in the professional. You will never, which is Rickey. Yes, yes. It’s Rickey and thousands, thousands of others. Yes, but you’re right. Yeah.


Okay. Wait, do I have the quote right? The entire premise of professional sport is prevention of injury.




And if we’re translating injury only…Jeff knows where I’m going with this. If we translate injury nly, it is completely antithetical to disabled people playing anything at all.




Yeah. Well, this is where I think if you want to get real funky with sports, it’s like, so what does it mean? What do the Paralympics mean? And a lot of people are like, okay, that’s a circle life in square. Okay, but what does Special Olympics mean? Then? What does it mean to build a game or to build a competitive sport where competitiveness is a part of it, but winning isn’t necessarily the top five objective of this type of design of sport and how does sport change when the fundamental roots of it are shifted or if it’s built on different foundation? But that is a whole other podcast.


You don’t want to talk about the epistemology of sport today?


Well, I think we’re going to continue to, in fact, because our listeners probably want to know what happened to Rickey. We left him on a bit of a cliffhanger. Whether or not Rickey’s legs were about to fall off is where we left off. Okay, so let’s forge ahead. Now, as you could probably imagine based on this podcast, the local community rallies around Rickey launching Operation Rickey Hill, kind of lazy. Brandon donation bins start to pop up everywhere. The local community raises $2,000 in nine weeks, which, okay, I don’t want to throw any shade on a rural community. I’m sure $2,000 that that’s a lot of money back in the seventies. Okay, but come on, do you really love this man? Rural Texas? Of course. Professional


Fundraiser, Jeff Preston here to hit and dingers about their fundraising ability.


Those are rookie numbers because they raised $2,000, but they are $4,000 short of what they need for the surgery with hope, almost completely lost cowboy hat wearing Angel emerges. Ray Clemens is back and ready to finance the surgery. Rickey goes under the knife after some debate with his father, and we are treated to a lovely recovery montage as Rickey goes from the hospital bed to the baseball diamond. But will he recover in time for the tryouts? Yes. After a miraculous recovery, Rickey is ready for tryouts and fully intends to show that he is the best homer hitter in the world. At the same time, he absolutely still has the spine of a 60-year-old and is cut immediately because he is not able to run, which is apparently a central still in the sport of baseball, you kind of have to run dejected. Rickey storms off, throws his bat and glove away and drives off in his beat up incorrectly aged vehicle.

But Rickey, he ain’t known quitter. This is the hill he wants to die on storming back, get that in there. I’m sorry. Storming back into the tryout and completely against the rules that were just laid out. Rickey demands that the scouts allow him to hit home runs as many homers in a row as you can, and if he is successful, that he be allowed to play in the big final tryout game later that night. For reasons that I don’t understand, they agree to this condition and Rickey begins to blasted Homers out of the stadium and not just out of his stadium, but into the stadium next door, nearly assassinated pro scout, Red Murph. Impressed Red Murph now lays out a challenge. Rickey will prove himself by playing DH for both teams in the big game, and if you can hit off of every pitcher, red will recommend him to the majors. Amazingly or not, Rickey does just that. He goes into the final game, plays for both teams and hits off of every single mustache, handlebar, mustache, hooker in the game. He gets hit, he gets back up. Rickey has overcome and is certified as the greatest baseball player of all time, or at least good enough to be signed by the eighties Montreal Expos and never play in the Natures Good, blessed, good Night. The movie is mercifully over about time,


Right? Yeah. I felt every minute of those two and a half hours.


Yes. I’ve never been so thrilled for the concluding song to start playing, which encourages you in a very folksy turn to just rub a little dirt on it. Rub a little dirt on it, brother. Well, I’ve scot you down. Rub a little dirt on it.


Yeah, that’s advice that upper middle class people give to people in permanently precarious positions because that’s generally worked for them, given that all of their problems were really easily surmountable,


Rub a little dirt on it or have $8,000 surgery. Those are your two options.


Angel funded of course, and that Jeff and I watched these films together because nobody makes us laugh more than ourselves and each other. So when we were watching this, I called it about the halfway point. I was like, if they’ve made this film about how the DH designated hitter position was made, this is actually an awesome premise because if it’s because of a disabled person, I actually love this. I want to know if that was why DH was made. It was not. They dismissed this at the beginning of the third act, and DH is already a well-respected position, albeit only for a few years. That year before this was…


That year! The year that this is set in is the first year that Major League Baseball has a dh.


It wasn’t because of Rickey Hill.


It wasn’t Rickey Hill


Would’ve made this one point better for me if this was the story of how we invented DH


Man. Okay, so what you’re talking about right now is an incredible third act in which Rickey Hill goes to war with the powers that be at MLB and says there is an opportunity for players to play. Players who are not able to run or because of the debilitating high school injuries they’ve sustained can no longer play the field, but can still blast the ball as good as Babe Ruth, who if you remember, wasn’t quite a runner himself. I mean probably from all the cigars he was smoking while playing. That could have been an amazing movie, but that is unfortunately not reality. So it is not what we can,


I have to say in some of the last scenes, why the hell was Red Murph standing next to the picture?


It never,




Ever happened.


Okay. Sarah and I actually also brought this up while watching because I’m like, he’s going to die a line drive get taken out by those. Asked me


How safe it was that Red was standing there and I was like, oh, he’ll go to the hospital.


He hit at that he will probably die. And also he is like 80 years old. His bones are probably hollow at this point, that wild through


His head. Another thing, dead giveaway that folks who were writing the script didn’t actually, I don’t think they know sports or I don’t really think they fully understand, is the scene where red turns to the all-star professional reliever and says, if you hit him again with the ball, you’re done, never


Done. Done from what?


Red you are a high school, maybe college age level coach or a scouts. You are not instrumental in changing an Allstar. I can understand if it’s a minor league player. This was a major league Allstar coming for a rehab assignment. He was


On a rehab stint. Yes. Also who does a rehab stint at a tryout game.


An exhibition game in southern Texas with old alumni.


With no real teams.


Yes. Yes. Made up teams with one DH that’s on both sides. Yeah,


But you needed a hard thrower.


They proved how brave he was by having that 80-year-old man stand beside the fastest fastball pitcher they had and just stood there against a guy who they already proved could hit it 400 something large.


The animosity itself makes no sense. If you want to understand sport or just understand labor issues, if you look at the scout, the scout is hired to do a particular job. The scout doesn’t want animosity towards people that they are scouting. They want to find people in order to do their job, ostensibly do their job. And I think that uncritical take on authority is riddled through this film. It’s just like the authority of red is just assumed. The authority of James is just assumed. And anytime that’s that authority is kind of questioned, it gets just swept under the rug. When the mother-in-law is on the cusp of passing away and says, let Rickey try, it’s like that could have been a moment to confront that hegemonic masculinity, that patriarchal head of family household or something, or later on when he is speaking to his wife about Rickey and there was a moment of conflict. These were all opportunities in which they could have actually tackled hegemonic masculinity. That kind of, it is intertwined in ableism as well and hegemonic ableism as well. All these


Things. But we also know that that’s never going to happen when your setting is fundamentalist sixties Texas.


That’s right.


No one in this film is going to argue against an older adult.


Yeah. That’s why anytime I see a movie that’s unapologetically the actual plot is just the American dream in any setting, all of these are impossibilities because the American dream is driven on compulsory able bodiedness, on compulsory, compulsory heterosexuality, on hegemonic masculinity, patriarchy, settler colonialism, imperialism, all of these things that just can never be tackled Well, because


What we’ve epitomized by the original American dream was the straight successful white male. How do you generate that through all these circumstances that only only benefit the straights CI White male. Exactly. And we expanded that imaginary to, oh, now Taylor Swift is the American dream. Now you’ve done all of these kind of subtle corrections to the narrative, but in making those connections, you’re getting at what Derek’s getting at with questioning power structure relationships, or questioning whether or not someone is Jing Egoistically correct. About face or just because they said so. And as soon as you start doing that, you can’t even really say Taylor Swift is the American dream because she still benefits from parts of that narrative.


Absolutely. You can’t have a happy ending. There’s not a happy ending in society. There’s simply not the way we’ve built society. It will not be happy. It will not end well for you. Won’t


Someone think of Galen Weston?


Right. Finally, please


Someone create alogia for the billionaires.


Let’s just talk about one of the people I despise most on this point.


Oh man.

Okay, so that’s our movie. Long and short, very long. There was nothing short about this that long. It was extremely long. It was long. So, okay, I think we probably should just address before we get into our closing thoughts. So quite obviously, this movie has lots of overcoming narratives, the idea that one special ability will help someone to overcome their disability. So Rickey’s inherent wealth is tied to his ability to hit dinners and dinners he will hit. But the thing that I really wanted to talk a little bit about, because we haven’t talked about it yet on the pod, is this notion of disability presented as a test from God. That it is a challenge that is to be met and then forth opportunity. So Sarah, I’m going to turn to you first, then we’ll go to Darren. What do you think about how this movie sort of positions disability in its relation to religious intervention?


Yeah. I’m not going to beat you at a religious argument because you grew up Baptist and I grew up Buddhist,


Catholic, Catholic. Whoa. The Pope is the head of church here. Come on.


I didn’t know Jesus was Jewish till university. I made it to 19 years old without ever having learned that fact. But I can approach the disability angle. I think this movie does a really good job with some of the most fundamentalist heritage disability. And if you really strongly want to believe in them, this movie is just your wildest dreams come true. It’s like angels in the outfield meets goodwill hunting meets a beautiful mind, meets insert your favorite overcoming narrative that was modestly, religiously based. And I think a lot of people would actually relate to some kind of form of God’s will or nobody can give you things that you can’t overcome or those narratives because I am surrounded by people who are very quasi-religious at best. And I’ve heard that plenty of times in relation to my own schizophrenia. There’s nothing you can’t overcome if that’s what was meant to be.

You can take God right out of it and make the kind of secular argument toward that. And I think that will resonate with people that it worked for. So it kind of self worth in so far as if you were able to overcome it, you can look back with this nostalgic lens of, ah, it was because I was always meant to overcome it. But when you create that narrative, you also create the inverse even if you didn’t want to. So all of the mentally ill people who end up hospitalized, who end up the infamous cases like Rosemary Kennedy who spend their entire life institutionalized for similar illnesses, are we then saying that God did not want them to overcome. We had Destiny written in the stars and Rosemary’s Destiny was a depressing institution. Ward. Those are the kinds of things that you’re saying without saying when you agree with the premise that for you God’s child or Destiny’s child or W’s child or academia’s child getting spicy now it’ll work out for you from the realm of what’s already happened. And if it doesn’t, fuck you deserved it. So it’s just the deservingness narrative done over and over and over again. And if you want to do it with sports, you can do it with sports. That’s what this movie did. Yeah.


But the inspiration of this film is that he achieves his dreams, he makes the majors he, he doesn’t achieve, but that is the end of the film. The end of the film is he married his sweetheart at home plate of the expos field, and then he played four years in the minors and then it’s cut to credits and that’s the end of the story. And so I think it’s fascinating that from Rickey’s own words, the intention of this film is to inspire physically disabled people that he hopes that physically disabled people are inspired by it, which to me, I would say means that he hopes that you would watch the film and say, if Rickie Hale can do it, I can do it too. I just have to put the time in, got to put the work in. I got to hit a lot of rocks with sticks and I can do it even if people say that I can’t. And it’s like, okay, so that is on its face, not necessarily a bad message on its face.


I’ll disagree. Continue.


You should not necessarily listen to stereotypes that people try to place on you. I don’t disagree with that. But if you actually look at the actual narrative and the actual set of the story, it really is saying having unique ability and then relentlessly to the detriment of your body, pursue that one ability and drive yourself into the ground doing it. And that’s the path to success. And that’s how you too will earn to be commemorated in film. Right. I think the whole, to bring us back to that disability as a test from God, it’s all about trying to make disability meaningful. Something that is seen as sort of senseless or empty or meaningless that we can’t wrap our heads around. We give it meaning as well. It’s just a test from God or you two shall overcome or it’s a party. It’s an interesting part of your story that you’ll then tell in your film once you’ve overcome it,


If you deserve it, if it was meant for you, it will happen. It’ll happen. The non secular version of that myth.


Yeah, a hundred percent. And so I think that’s one thing that I found really fascinating about this film is how there is the public narrative of what this film is supposed to be as he sees it, as Rickey sees it. And I think probably as the people that wrote it see it versus what it actually is saying, these things couldn’t be further apart. And I don’t think that there’s any actual understanding that these two roads have diverged as far as they have.


The only hope it’s generating is if you are good enough at passing, you can have some of what you surmised you deserved. And that’s a way different message than if you hope hard enough, you’ll get literally whatever you want. It’s about adjusting your expectations via your actual ability level. And then even then you’ll probably only be able to do part of that.


Yeah. Yeah. Just to echo your point, I think you’ve put it perfectly, Jeff, in terms of I think what the message here doesn’t just impact folks with disabilities, it, it actually sends the message that you should, and we should all be willing to put our bodies through an incredible amount of pain, harm and potentially long-term consequences in order to do the things we love. We quote unquote love. And that that’s a really terrible message, especially in sport when you realize so many people get injured, like lifelong injuries. So many people are dying. So many people are, I think mostly of American football when I talk about this. There are other things boxing, there are other violent sports of course, but people are literally subjecting themselves to years and years and years and years and years of head trauma and receive no remuneration ever.


Yeah. There’s no payoff.


And in this case, there was no payoff here. So in 2022, if you played aaa, which is the highest level of major of minor league baseball, you were getting at most $700 a week, a week. That is not some


To be at the top of your game


In 1975, I would say that was probably, and he was what, single or aa max? Like 20 bucks. I would say.


You were paid in steroids. Yeah, he paid in steroids.


You have travel to the away game. That’s your payment.


I agree with all of this.


So I think what we’re all sort of saying here is that I think this movie may have been a horror movie by accident.


Well, certainly not for the 65-year-old evangelicals. They love this movie.


They just don’t realize it yet. They don’t realize that they are in Get Out.


It supports comfort viewing in so far as if you don’t think about it at all, it is an inspirational film about a disabled guy who makes it into the minor leagues. And as soon as you apply a modicum of thought into the scenario, it’s actually a disempowering film about hiding disability at all costs and how disability is antithetical to anything you could hope or dream of.




But here, look, there’s Dennis Quaid.


Yeah, but


Do you like Dennis Quaid?


Made by Dennis Quaid? So whatever. Yeah.


Hell yeah. Hell yeah.

Now, as you will know, if you’ve listened to the blog before, we have a perfectly empirical, scientifically rigorous method, which we use to measure all of our movies tongue firmly in cheek. This is of course the invalid culture scale. Now, like golf, we play this with the lowest score wins or the lower the score the better the film did. So let’s take a look and let’s see where the hill falls on the invalid culture scale. So first up, on a scale of one to five, with five being the least accurate, how accurately does this film portray disability?


I would say a 4.5. Can I do point fives here? Wonderful. I think that the day-to-day lived reality are completely put out of focus and just hidden. And as we’ve talked about on the podcast, and Sarah’s mentioned several times, the ability to pass was centered and throughout the film, so portraying disability as kind of the only this quote nuisance that arises only when something good is about to happen, I think that’s really problematic. Incredibly problematic. When you think about the lived reality of everyday dealing with anything, with anything that might make you less able-bodied or able mentally than other people. I think you had an opportunity to really dig deep into that lived reality and you had two hours to do it and you didn’t do it at all. So I think it was not accurate whatsoever.


I agree with everything Derek said. I’m a little harsher. I want to give it a five because it kind of went out of its way to obscure disability at best. And given the runtime, disability is about as tangential as baseball itself. It is a minor character if you consider it a character. I’m kind of surprised Jeff picked it, but I think Jeff did not know upon picking it how little this disability film had to do with disability.


That actually is completely correct because if you look at the Netflix description of this film, it is like watch this man overcome his disability. And it wasn’t that at all. For some people they tricked you with baseball. For me, they tricked me with disability.


Goddamn right


Marketers, man. Can’t trust him. Okay, so I I’m going to split the difference. I gave this a four a little bit. I was not as harsh. And the only reason I was not as harsh on it is that I love that they not love. I appreciate that they had the ES to openly acknowledge that if Rickey could not have raised the money, his body would’ve just been left broken. So despite the fact that there is a medical treatment that he just wouldn’t have got it. And so I’m like, whoa, this is an American movie that is about rah rah America. But it also was able to be like, oh man. But also, wouldn’t it be weird if we just didn’t raise that $8,000 and he just had broken lines for the rest of his life? Whoa. That would be weird. So I’m giving them one bonus point for openly discussing the


…accidentally in favor of Obamacare?


Of being accidentally critical of capitalist medicine. Okay, next question. On a scale of one to five, with five being the hardest, I don’t think I even need to ask. How hard was it for you to get through this film?


I think that I originally wanted everything in me to not give it a five and I wrote down four. And one of the reasons why, because the happy go lucky storyline, it’s easy to get. I’ve seen it a million times. It’s actually quite easy to get through a fight. But now talking about it for two hours in a couple episodes here, I have to change that to a five because it was so long I wouldn’t have continued watching it past 46 minutes, which is just getting into that. After that 35 minute buffer, I would’ve stopped watching it and I will never watch it again, nor will I ever speak about it again, probably in my life. So I have to give it a five


Except at my funeral. You will be bringing it up at my funeral.


It’ll certainly be in the eulogy


Thanksgiving dinner. If somebody really wants to start the table fight, they can bring up the premise of The Hill and Derek’s going to stand up and go like, this is my Roman.


My father-in-Law will just say, oh, I watch this really interesting movie The Hill. It’s about sports. Derek, let’s talk about it.


It’s gone. I can’t do that.


I’m filing for divorce.


I’ve watched some pretty brutal films with Jeff, but they don’t usually have this length of runtime. And I did think that you could have done this movie in 40 minutes and told the entire story as it appeared on the screenplay as it’s written now. So I got to give it a five.


Okay, so we are aligned on this one. I love to be punished by movies for what you will about me as a human, but this one was brutal. I was bored throughout. I wanted it to end. I would not have gotten through it if it wasn’t for you guys. Thank you, Jeff. Don’t watch this movie. Having said that, if this movie was a tight 88 minute, I think they probably could have pulled this off. I think they probably could have held my attention for 85 minutes probably if you cut out basically his entire childhood, this movie actually probably would’ve been decent. And maybe the entire father storyline and maybe the entire, you know what if the movie was just the final game? Yeah, just that time. The film. Yeah. I think if…


The childhood and the father storyline is like an hour and a half of this two hour film.


So yeah, I think, yeah, it was brutal. That’s a five. That’s a pretty solid five.


That’s a five.


Okay. On a scale of one to five, with five being the max, how often did you laugh at things that were not intended to be funny?


So I went through, and to the best of my recollection, I counted the number of times that I actually did this. And I said, if it’s from one to five, that’s the number that I’ll give it. And it was four and it was four times, and it was mostly due to, it had nothing to do with anything substantive. It was like the cheesy one-liners that I just couldn’t get over that were so bad. They made me laugh. And I am not really a motive when I watch films, so I wouldn’t laugh. Even in comedies, I don’t really laugh very often, but for instance, when the sort of scout I, it kind of put the MLB player in to face Rickey right at the end, and then the camera pans to the angel investor and he says he’s sending in his final attempt to ruin Rickey’s day.

That stuff makes me laugh. That wasn’t necessary. That dialogue was not necessary. And it makes me laugh. Or when Dennis Quat actually seemingly aged when he went from, I don’t know if you guys noticed that, but he seemed to look younger when Rickey was older and I couldn’t fully understand that. And then the final scene, another one was when they are reunited and Rickey realizes his father, the hard ass pastor is actually at the game for the first time because of course, and Dennis Quaid looks to him and goes, I guess we’ll have to get used to your new career now. I’m like, what? That’s not even aligned with the character arc whatsoever or, yeah, I think I had one other, oh, and I think I laughed out loud when Rickey just objected to being sent away and every other player was being sent away and they were arguing and they sent, and then Rickey’s just like, but just give me a try. And they’re like, okay, here you go. I laughed out loud. That makes no fucking sense. Why would they do that for 30 players? And then Rickey, you’re just made no sense. So four times I laughed out loud, so I’ll give it a four. That was a long-winded answer to that. No


Fair. I think for our viewers, for those who care about authenticity, Rickey Hill has also stated that his father did not, basically, his father didn’t come to a lot of baseball games, but his father came and checked on him after every game they talked about it. His father was actually pretty actively involved in his fall career throughout. So anyway, I don’t know why they thought it was super important to make his dad a dick in this film. But I


Do also remember laughing at Rickey Hill’s plot armor moment where they have the big explanation, do not disagree with the coaches. If you’re out, you’re out. And as soon as our main character was out, he was like, no, wait, but I would like to disagree. And it was just accepted, no questions asked. I did laugh at that and I hate this question every single time, every single episode because I’m laughing throughout the entire film every time, but it’s because I’m watching it with Jeff and we amuse each other. So then I have to go back and try to piece out, okay, when was I laughing at Jeff and when was I laughing at a legitimately funny thing the film did, and I think it was very little, the film. This film was kind of bleak for an inspiration porn narrative and spends a lot of time with the kind of poverty porn circumstances of his childhood exploitated to the nth degree for the purposes of this film, because it just makes a better story. This was like narrative journalism 1 0 1 as a film, but if you’re going to do it as narrative journalism, it’s not funny. So two,


Yeah. Okay. I was actually right. I’m lined up exactly where Sarah is on this one. I also gave it a two. And the reason is the only time that I legitimately actually laughed out loud at a non-intentional laugh out, loud moment again, man, I’m going to come off looking such a bad person in this episode. So he is in the doctor’s office and the doctor is, every tendon in your life is destroyed, everything in your body is broken. And also you have this spinal cord of a 60-year-old, and then there’s this sort of like, but you’re telling me there’s a chance. And I’m like, this doctor’s literally just told you that your body is broken, irreparably broken. And he’s like, okay, but I can probably make that tryout in two months.


You laughing in the face of this young man’s optimism.


It was so straight faced and so silly that they have this super serious, we’re going to give ’em this terrible medical. And I’m like, okay, but you couldn’t even make it six months after the surgery. You had to make this two months. I had a bad ankle sprain and that sucker was at least a month and a half of recovery. And that wasn’t even surgical. That was literally the amount of damage that they described. And then they’re like, oh yeah, you’ll be ready to play in two months. I was like, objectively, that’s hilarious. I’m in the power of prayer baby, but otherwise boring, not funny, even when it thought it was being funny. So I gave it a two. Okay, last but certainly not least, my favorite question, if that last one is Sarah’s worst, this one’s my favorite. On a scale of one to five, with five being the most, how many broken leg steps has this film put back? Disabled people?


I would say five. If you approach, I have two answers. If you approach this film as a film about disability, it’s a five. Absolutely. If you think that that’s going to be a centerpiece of this film, it’s a five, it’s a 10. But I think most people are not approaching this as such. And because it’s actually not part of the plot line, it’s not one of the fundamental things. Keeping this film together, it’s actually just a story about believing in Jesus and following capitalist rules. I would say a three or a four for most people that the underrepresentation of the issues is a big issue, but I think most people aren’t even going to associate this with disability whatsoever because it was so few scenes that actually showed anything.


So we’re going to call that a four. Is that a five? A three and a four. We’ll split


The difference. Yeah. Sounds a four sounds. Yeah. The very empirical objective measurement here. Yes. We’ll do a four.


It’s scientific folks. Yeah,


Scientific, of course.


Derek, is that your final answer?


Final answer.


Gotcha. Okay. I think it puts us less overall steps back than quid pro crow. And I don’t think it deserves a one or two either, because as Derek so aptly put it, this film is in no way about disability. So if you read the back of the box and you think, oh, this is disability overcoming narrative. You’ve been bamboozled. Not it’s a shitty baseball movie that has very little baseball in it. It’s a coming of age. Bill D’s Roman from a bunch of preacher kids in sixties, Texas. So three.


Yeah. Yeah. Again, we’re pretty aligned. I waffled a little bit on this a little bit. I was also in the five range. At first I was like, God, I’m like, you probably shouldn’t tell people with debilitative disabilities to ignore science and ignore doctor’s advice.


Try harder,


Brother. If you just hit a few more dinners, you’re going to make it, brother. So I was there, but then I came to the same place that all of you did, which is that mercifully, I think this film largely left us out of the mix. That disability was such a small part of it. They were like, we’ll give you your Forest Gump moment where he is running in the straight leg brace and we’ll give you the for gum moment when he breaks the brace off and gets full body rotation. But after that, I mean, if we imagine the film started when he’s in high school, this actually feels more like the film about just a injury prone athlete, which it’s like, is that really a disability text or, I think that for most audiences, they would separate this out and they would see it more as just sort of an injury prone and not debilitating disability, which is separate from the reality of course, of Rickey Hill as we understand it. So I landed at three. I think three is probably where this fits. It’s not the, I mean, you can’t even compare this to Quick pro quo. I mean, come on. That’s not fair. It’s not fair to anybody.


Do you want to know, do you want a drum roll or do you just want to hear it straight up?


Yeah. Well, we never do drum roll. I mean, we’re very low budget here.


You need to be a drum roll. Last episode,


I called for it and then I did not do it.


I did all this math for you. I added these numbers under 10.


Would you say that you overcame your disability?


I did.


How much addition did you do in the creek when you were a


Child? There are probably people from primary school who would come on here and argue with you that I’m mildly dyscalculus.


It’s a reason I make you do it and not me. For the same reason.


God gave me a Windows machine and a said machine on the seventh day it Unoo gave me calculator. So I just run that through twice. So Calculator came up with a score of 46.5,


Just barely making the major leagues with a score of 46.5. I am proud to announce that Hill qualifies for the prestigious and sought after Jerry Lewis seal of approval, our worst score than you could receive, an invalid culture. Congratulations. The Hill. Wow, you’ve won your Oscar.


That’s close as they’re going to get.


Dennis is still waiting for the call. It’ll come in a day now.


Honestly, in his role of shitty fundamentalist preacher, he killed it. I don’t have many notes for him in terms of how he played that role. I have a lot of notes for how that role was written. I don’t have any notes for how Dennis Quaid played it.


If you’ve taken nothing from this episode, take Dennis Quaid. Consummate professional.


Yeah, phenomenal actor.


So this concludes another episode. We are at the end. Thank you so much for joining us, listeners. But more than that, thank you so much for subjecting yourself to this Derek.


Oh, thank you very much for having me. This was a lot of fun.


Absolutely. And this means that we probably should do another sports movie next season. I don’t know. Is it time to do Soul Surfer?


Angels in the outfield?


Is there a disability in Angels in the outfield? I don’t know. Think viewers, listeners don’t think if there is a disabled character.


See, since I was a child, there’s about as much disability in Angels in the outfield as there is in the Hill. So if the Hill qualified, I feel like Angels in the outfield should qualify.


Fair enough. Okay. That actually maybe. Maybe that’s fair. Maybe. Alright, well fans, if you have a movie that you would like us to do a baseball, no, we’re not doing another baseball movie. No, no. If you have another sport movie that has a disabled character and you want us to do it, please. Well, okay. Sorry. Hold on. Boys and girls, I need to back up. I have been completely ignoring the fact that we started this podcast with a movie about soapbox derby. So we have done a sports movie on this podcast. I’m so sorry. But if you want to do more, give us another one and we’ll talk about it. So tune in again next month. We have a very special movie with a special guest. It’s going to be a ton of fun before we go on our summer hiatus. Take care. Be safe and do not watch this movie.

<Mvll Crimes theme song>


And this concludes another episode of Invalid Culture. Thank you for joining us. I hope you enjoyed it or not. Did you have a film you would like for us to cover on the pod? Or even better? Do you want to be a victim on Invalid culture? How to word to our website invalid and submit. We would love to hear from you. That’s it for this episode. Catch you next month and until then, stay invalid.

DVD Cover of Different Drummers, featuring Lyle putting maximum effort into pushing David's manual wheelchair

What if ADHD was a movie?

An autobiography written and scored by Lyle Hatcher, this 2013 film was almost doomed to the bargain bin of Dollar Stores across the nation when a miracle happened: streaming services like Amazon Prime and Tubi decided they did not care what quality of film was included in their libraries. Join Jeff & Erika as they explore this bio-pic about the trials and tribulations of two young disabled boys growing up in Spokane, Washington. Oh and also it’s about using plastic tubes to pee.

Listen at…

Grading the Film

As always, this film is reviewed with scores recorded in four main categories, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. Like the game of golf, the lower the score the better.

How accurate is the representation?

Jeff – 3 / 5

Erika – 4 / 5

Total – 7 / 10

How difficult was it to watch the movie?

Erika – 4 / 5

Jeff – 4 / 5

Total – 8 / 10

How often were things unintentionally funny?

Erika – 5 / 5

Jeff – 5 / 5

Total – 10 / 10

How far back has it put disabled people?

Jeff – 3 / 5

Erika – 4 / 5

Total – 7 / 10

The Verdict

Jerry Lewis Seal of Approval

Podcast Transcript

Jeff: Growing up in Spokane, Washington can be tough. But you know what’s tougher? Growing up in Spokane, WA in the 1960s while also being a prophet of death. Follow the childhood hijinks of Lyle Hatcher, a young boy chronically afflicted with “the feeling”, as he forms a friendship with David Duffy. But David isn’t like the other kids. No, it’s not because he has muscular dystrophy. David is different because God tells him when people are going to die. But don’t worry. This movie isn’t really about that. It is really about the joys of childhood friendship and learning to accept difference. Follow David as they form an unbreakable bond, mourn the untimely death of their teacher, attempt to seduce one’s first girlfriend, put together a school science project, debate the usefulness of ADHD medication, attempt to teach Dave to walk (because God said so) and eventually forget all of that other stuff and instead host a fundraiser to find a cure. If you’re a person who likes countless obscure plotlines that are never fully resolved, that might make you a different drummer 


[Theme Music] Hip hop beat from “Hard Out Here For a Gimp” by Wheelchair Sports Camp 


Erika: Welcome to invalid culture a podcast dedicated to excavating the strangest, most baffling and worst representations of disability in popular culture. Unlike other podcasts that review films you’ve probably heard of Invalid Culture is all about looking into the abyss of pop culture adjacent representations that just never quite broke through because, well, they’re just awful. I’m joined today by my co-host Jeff Preston. Jeff, how are you? 


Jeff: Back at it. Ready for another fun day. So, I’m Jeff Preston. I am an assistant professor of disability studies. My research focuses on representations of disability in pop culture. So I am also joined here by my co-host today, Dr. Erika Katzman. How are you Dr. Katzman? 


Erika: Oh, I am thrilled to be back at this again. We’ve got a great conversation ahead of us. I’m losing my track of thought on how to introduce myself today. I am also an assistant professor and disability studies and my research doesn’t really focus on so much on the media side of things but I’m just generally interested in understanding how people think about disability, what kind of stories people are inclined to tell about disability. 


Jeff: Now, before we get started today I think it’s important that we start every episode with that mental health check in. Erika, are you regretting doing this yet? 


Erika: Of all the things in my life that I regret this is pretty low on the list. 


Jeff: Wow, that’s great. I’m going to hold that. I will replay this clip at episode 50 when you wonder why, why you allowed me to talk to you into this. 


Erika: And you? Are you are you feeling OK about this decision? 


Jeff: you, know I really do question a lot of decisions I’ve made in my life. This one’s actually pretty high, I think. I don’t know that that regret is the right word but it’s going to be very interesting to see how our brains are ruined by these films. I think just sadness and rage would be the outcome. 


Erika: if we ever need to rebrand “sadness and rage” might be the name. 


Jeff: So, today we have another just stupendous example of invalid culture. We are going to be watching a film which touches the heart, I guess? This is a horse movie that you can find on almost every streaming platform as well as vast majorities of it can be found on YouTube. We are of course talking about the film Different Drummers. So, what is Different Drummers? How does Different Drummers describe itself? Erika, take it away. 


Erika: From the box: based on an inspiring true story Different Drummers follows the heartwarming yet unlikely friendship of two boys growing up in Washington in the 1960s. When David, who is bound to a wheelchair and growing weaker for muscular dystrophy, accurately foretells the death of his fourth-grade teacher, a doubtful Lyle, who has an increasingly high energy level decides to test the existence of God by attempting to get David to run again. A pact is made and Lyle soon begins to twist the rules in a desperate attempt to give his friend some of his own excess energy. Along the way, the two boys come face to face with life’s most painful truths and Lyle’s question is ultimately answered in a way he never could have imagined. 


Jeff: I think this is a phenomenal place for us to start because if you were listening to that and have no idea what the beginning, middle, end of this film is, I think the back of this box captured the viewing experience of Different Drummers. 


Erika: It captures a lot more than I would have imagined. I mean, I don’t want to launch into our themes quite yet but I’m amazed to see them surfacing here. 


Jeff: it’s almost as though they understood what they were doing. Maybe. 


Erika: you know, I think that’s a good way of characterizing this particular film. Like, this is one where it actually, perhaps more than with others, feels like they might have understood what they were doing. 


Jeff: They certainly seemed to have some technical abilities. There was some technical things that were, like, I think it was well lit. The audio was fine. There was actually some passable CGI in this film. Like there was actually some production value. While at the same time just being ,very confusing and very all over the place throughout. I think one of my first questions to you is what question was Lyle trying to get answered? 


Erika: I think the questions were out there. I don’t know if they were answered. I mean, they’re claiming that the question was answered, but I mean, when we get to talking about that very blunt answer, I’m not sure which question it is meant to answer, to be honest. 


Jeff: My other question I had for you on this is, was their friendship unlikely? Like, because it’s a wheelchair boy in walkie? They’re two young boys, who you, know appear to be of similar ethnic background, class, same age. So, there’s a whole lot of similarities going on that would lead me to believe this is very likely friendship. 


Jeff: Yeah, I mean, this isn’t like a bear becoming friends with a rabbit by any means. 


Erika: No, it strikes me as a highly likely friendship. 


Jeff: [laughing] Right, completely plausible friendship. I guess that doesn’t have the same ring. 


Erika: This is where it is important to note, to remember that this is Lyle’s story.  


Jeff: Yes. 


Erika: So, if we’re being told that this was an unlikely friendship, is this is this Lyle telling us that it was an unlikely friendship? That it caught him off guard? 


Jeff: Interesting. I would say that Lyle was perhaps not the only person caught off guard in this film. I think, actually, a lot of the reviewers of this film were also caught a little off guard. Now, we have two interesting popular press reviews that we have pulled, one which is really interesting and the other which is quite harsh. So, we have officially reached our first milestone on this podcast in which we found somebody who did not like a film featuring a child with a disability. They persevered and they were like, we’re going to write bad on it. And that was, shout out to you Josh Terry, the Deseret News. Here’s what he had to say: “poor writing, acting and execution leaves Different Drummers impossible to justify. If the weak actors aren’t monotoning their standard lines of dialogue, the reasonable actors are stumbling their way through the muddled ones and myriad cheesy and distracting music passages persistently undermine the whole lot. A simple problem for Different Drummers is that it is playing out of its league. As a direct-to- video release, it would be passed over as a harmless, low budget tribute to a boy who lived with muscular dystrophy 50 years ago. But, as a major Multiplex, at nearly $10 a ticket, the film feels painfully out of place.”  


Erika: That’s harsh!  


Jeff: George Terry does not care anymore he is just going to eviscerate anyone in this film. 


Erika: Like, I guess this is the point at which it becomes very clear that I am no film critic. I did not think it was that bad. I truly did not notice poor acting, muddled delivery. Did you? 


Jeff: I think this is what happens when you and I don’t have it direct financial claim against this film. As people who have paid for prime video and are using it for a myriad of other wonderful films, I think Josh Terry here is just feeling really burned for that $10 they had to spend. Also, why is the Deseret News not paying for their reviewers to watch these films? 

Erika: I think he was on about the music. I did, the music was something. 

Jeff: The music felt like the early days of YouTube when people were first getting copyright striked and then you had all of these like, royalty free or copyleft music that were just like, just adjacent to good that YouTube users started piling on, where you’re like, right, this is a classic generic rock song that’s completely nondescript and just like a little off.  


Erika: So, musically that’s where it was, but lyrically it was very much tailored. Like, do we know? The soundtrack must have been custom to this film. 


Jeff: I have absolutely no doubt that Lyle and Don wrote the music for this film. I have no doubt and if I’m wrong I don’t want to know because in my world they were in the studio cutting these things up. This is all you need, it’s not every emotion you could want to feel through song. It’s got it all. Now, Josh Terry’s wasn’t the only review we were able to find. We also found this very interesting review by Tim or Tom Krogh? How do we say that last name do you think?  


Erika: Keogh?  


Jeff: Sure. TK, as he is known by his friends, presumably. From the Seattle Times, he had this to say: “There’s a sense of unstructured play about Different Drummers. A kind of ambling from one whimsical activity to the next without much traditionally story telling”. TK then goes on to give this film a three out of four. 75 %. 


Erika: So, he was not bothered, he’s really more remarking on the unstructured play then critiquing it. 


Jeff: Yes, it was an observation. It’s like, ‘so I watched born on the 4th of July and there was a man in a wheelchair in it. Three out of four stars.’ 


Erika: Now, this was actually something that you had remarked on yourself watching the film, was it not? 


Jeff: yeah, 100%. I felt like the first time I watched this film — and yes, that is a confirmation that I have watched this film more than once — the first time I watched it I remember feeling like all the movie did was introduced new plotlines and I don’t really remember in the first viewing many of those plotlines being resolved. Now, on a second sober viewing I’ve discovered that, much like the Canadian Senate, you can understand things better when given time to evaluate things. And, in fact, there was some resolution. But, by my count, there are approximately 7 plotlines that informed this film. So, you know, the movie starts out with this plot line around Lyle having a crush on a girl at school and he want to dance with her and then we get our first extremely long musical interlude. Things then change up and move on to, I think, our second plot, which is a science project to disprove or prove – I think probably prove is what they were thinking, to prove God’s existence, using science to prove God. And then there’s sort of this like subplot, I think, under there, around David is going to teach – sorry, Lyle is going to teach David how to run. And then we wonder the bug collection. They decide they want to collect all of the bugs. That then shifts very quickly into raising money to cure muscular dystrophy, which I guess is maybe a continuation of the teaching to run subplot, but I don’t think it is, because that of course culminates in this, like, variety show fundraiser, which is kind of its own thing. We then, about halfway through the movie, maybe a little more than halfway through the movie, we get this very serious plot around ADHD and medication and this huge debate as to whether or not Lyle should be medicated. Lyle then get threatened by a bully in a school bus and there’s this like, ominous “you’re gonna get what’s coming to you, Lyle.” He doesn’t. It’s never addressed. And then we have the final act, which I think is about this question around death and dying. People die, and will people die or won’t they, dying and death is everywhere, we can escape it. By my count that’s about 7 plotlines. How many of those seven would you say were resolved? 


Erika: [laughing]. OK I’m pretty sure we forgot about, the romantic things dropped, that was never carried. The bug collection came and went. 


Jeff: that’s true, they did find — they sort of resolved it in that it got eaten by a mouse? 


Erika: [laughing] the bully dropped off, that didn’t happen. So, I think we mostly ended up focusing on this, I mean the ADHD medication and medicate versus segregate situation, kind of, that was pretty forefront. Did we prove God’s existence? 


Jeff: I’m gonna argue yes, because of the final scene when he runs with David.  


Erika: And I guess money was raised. 


Jeff: Yeah, the fundraiser happened. OK, so they’re batting like 80%. 


Erika: Yeah, you know, I’m kind of with Tom here. TK? I think it may have broken some rules of traditional storytelling but I don’t think it was unsuccessful in doing so. 


Jeff: yeah, I think you’re right. It was untidy, but I think there was like, a story was told. I feel like we were given a slice of life of these two boys. Like, a year of their time together.  


Erika: yeah. I have a hard time following multi plots and multi characters. I’ve never been able to make it through Snatch. I’ve tried several times. I didn’t have any trouble following what was going on here. 


Jeff: Yeah, no. I think it was it wasn’t bad. There were also a surprisingly number of actors in this. Yeah, usually like the key to those low budget films is there’s like four people involved. There were entire classrooms of people involved in this film. 


Erika: Oh yeah, I had the sense that we were genuinely in a school.  


Jeff: There was a presence, there was a reality to it. Even if all of the characters seemed to have this like, retrospective sheen about them, right? Like, the cop is just like, a little too like, 1950s police officer at the café, you know, sitting on the barstool. Like, it was a little too American Gothic in some character development. 


Erika: Yeah and like the janitor, similarly, he’s a little overdone. He’s great, but a little overdone. 


Jeff: He’s a stud and I’m in love with him and I would 100% marry man if it was Mr Merrick. Yeah, both of those characters seemed to have an underlying, this may have been a porno shoot that was happening at the same time. 


Erika: 100%. 


Jeff: And they were just like, alright, so we will take the clean bits for Different Drummers and then the hardcore bits we’ll put over for our janitor porn and our cop porn. There was a bit of a porny vibe to both these characters. 


Erika: The cop especially, he was having a hard time getting out of character when he dropped back into the kids movie. 


Jeff: yeah, 100%. He looked like he was a moment away from putting someone under arrest for being too sexy. Now, if you are a film connoisseur you will know that the real reviews are not to be found in the newspapers but rather they are found in the Amazon review section.  


Erika: And do we ever have some goodies today. 


Jeff: We have curated some phenomenal examples. There were a lot of phenomenal reviews for this film. Erika, why don’t you start us off. 


Erika: I will happily start us off. So, Robin S, one of many five out of five stars. A review titled “a very meaningful story”: bought this for my 89.5 year old dad. He loved it and really enjoyed the two boys. This is not one of the ‘happily ever after’ stories that I normally try to pick out for him, but he still gave it a thumbs up. 


Jeff: Robin’s got a lot of detail. A natural storyteller. 


Erika: A keen eye for detail.  


Jeff: Her father is not 90 years old. 


Erika: 89.5. 


Jeff: I’m glad that he liked the two boys. That’s good. I also like the idea that Robin is like, trapping her father at home and just feeding him these happily ever after stories as some sort of like, mental health treatment maybe or like just trying to keep him optimistic about the world and this one kind of like, snuck in. 


Erika: I’m just also very curious that like, this was bought? 


Jeff: [Laughing] right? 


Erika: When and where was this purchased? 
Jeff: That is actually a great question. Presumably off Amazon, I suppose. I suppose she purchased this from Amazon, which then also begs the question: how did Robin S find this film?  


Erika: Oh, well naturally while looking for happily ever after stories. 


Jeff: right. 


Erika: If there’s a wheelchair on the cover you know it’s a happy ending. 


Jeff: it’s going to uplift you. You’re gonna feel uplifted. 


Erika: so, this is what actually, this is what I love about this review is that Robin deems this is not one of those happily ever after stories. I mean, ah, OK. I guess we do end with death. 


Jeff: but arguably it is a sanitized death. Like it is positioned as like, a freedom that is bestowed upon this child. He is liberated from his impairment. 


Erika: Yeah, again that’s why this one caught me, because, and maybe this is a strange thing to admit but when I read this review I forgot that he died. And I thought — because the death was not the sort of the pinnacle moment of this film. 


Jeff: It was definitely the moment when I almost peed myself in this film, I will say. It is the most brazen movie ending I think I’ve ever seen. It takes a real tone shift in that last 10 minutes. 


Erika: So much so that Robin’s dad still gave it a thumbs up. 


Jeff: Yeah, he liked it. He was there for the ride. 


Erika: Despite the death of one of those two boys, he really enjoyed it. 


Jeff: This is markedly different than the review by Joshua Matthew Manibo Samarita, who, also five out of five stars, however, “quite disappointed” was the title of this review. “I will give this movie a five star but I’m kind of disappointed. It feels like expectation versus reality. My expectation is there though it is not enough. I thought this movie make me cry but it was not. I still recommend this movie. It quite nice. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: [laughing] Joshua, you are a beautiful human. A beautiful soul. You wanted to cry, you didn’t get it, but you’re still going to pump the tires. 


Erika: interesting, right? Robin and Joshua both had significant expectations of this film going in. 


Jeff: High expectations. 


Erika: Robin, I guess so like, Robin was expecting happily ever after. Josh was expecting to cry. 


Jeff: He wanted to feel terrible. 


Erika: but I can only assume, oh, I was assuming it was like, I’m gonna have a good cry but then I’m still gonna get my happily ever after. Like, I think maybe Joshua was just misidentifying what happened here. Joshua was actually quite disappointed because it was not quite the happily ever after that they were after.  


Jeff: That’s an interesting read. “I thought this movie made me cry, but it was not.” I think that might be the new slogan of this of this podcast. “I thought this movie made me cry, but it was not.” That’s my feeling about all of the movies we watch for this so far. 


Erika: [laughing]. For something completely different, Melissa Lindsay, another five out of five, title of the review: “donation”. Review content, and I quote: “a donation for rainy day bingo basket.” 


Jeff: [laughing]. Perfect. 


Erika: May I posit this is where Robin S bought the video. 


Jeff: or received. 


Erika: [laughing]. 


Jeff: she received this one day playing bingo. 


Erika: Is a rainy day bingo basket a thing? Like, is she saying that there’s the lottery, like you just pick up those discount DVDs at Walmart and chuck em in the rainy day bingo basket and then when it’s a rainy day you just draw one out and give her a go? 


Jeff: I think so. So my suspicion on this, this is my hot take, I could be totally wrong. Melissa Lindsay, contact us if we’re wrong on this, if I’m mischaracterizing you. I suspect that Melissa Lindsay is an educator. I think that she may be a teacher, whether that be public school or possibly a Sunday school situation and I’m guessing that what she’s doing is she’s buying cheap things, like little trinkets and prizes and then when the kids can’t go out ’cause it’s raining they play bingo and she gives or they can choose something out of the basket. That’s my theory, that’s my fan theory of Melissa Lindsay. 


Erika: I like it, I like it a lot.  


Jeff: if you were a child and you received this DVD for winning bingo, would that drive you to violence? 


Erika: I don’t know if I would get this film as a child. I don’t think this is a kids film. 


Jeff: no. I don’t know that this is an anyone film. Can we just put that on the table right off the bat? The question of who this is for, I think this is for Lyle Hatcher. That is who this is for. 


Erika: oh, 100 %. 


Jeff: This is an audience of 1. I think I would probably turn this DVD into a weapon and try to stab someone if this was the prize I won. As a child, I would not understand why there were no real drummers in this film until the absolute end. So, a more nuanced analysis comes to us from Frances, four to five stars, titled “well acted, layered message, very worth seeing.” And that title is actually her review, the review also reads “well acted, layered message, very worth seeing.” Would you say the message was layered in this film, Erika? 


Erika: I mean, if you think about all those plotlines like lasagna layers, there was a lot going on/ 


Jeff: that is true, it was very tiered. I think tiered is maybe what she means. The other one that I thoroughly enjoyed was by user “caddy”. 5/5 stars, the review reads, in all caps: CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. CHILDREN ENJOYED THE DVD. 


Erika: [clears throat]. We did just a salad but this is not a children’s movie, right? 


Jeff: I believe so. I would love to know whether or not the children actually said that. I would really wonder. I also like that, I respect the fact that she felt the needed to explain where she screened it. 


Erika: I mean, there is a fair bit of God. 


Jeff: yeah, God adjacent.  


Erika: mhm. 


Jeff: Yeah, I like the fact that this movie does not really lock down its religious, like it is sort of monotheist religion but, you know, it’s not really pushing any particular brand of religion provided it’s like a monotheist. So you know, any of those sort of old testament could fit under this rubric. And I think, Erika, you my other favorite. 


Erika: ooh, if we have time for one more, please may I? 


Jeff: I think so, ’cause it’s so good. 


Erika: PewDiePie, untitled but three out of five stars: “it was OK. I didn’t like the ending.” Yeah. 


Jeff: It was OK, I didn’t like the ending. 


Erika: There’s a chance that I’m PewDiePie.  


Jeff: This is actually the exact same review I left on Titanic. 


Erika: [laughing]. 


Jeff: it was OK. I didn’t like the ending. 


Erika: I actually, you know, this captures my feelings about this film. 


Jeff: do you think that that Lyle and Don have read these reviews and are like, if we had just made a better ending this would have blown up. 


Erika: see, I think where they erred is like, I think they essentially have two endings. 


Jeff: why did they not end it at the end of the telethon celebration? 


Erika: had he run through the woods yet at that point? Because… 


Jeff: no. 


Erika: yeah. 


Jeff: [laughing] and they needed to kill him off in order for that scene to happen, I suppose. 


Erika: I just feel like maybe they could have, instead of killing him, just had him run through the woods, as a like, euphemistic or more ambiguous… 


Jeff: Right, like maybe they did cure muscular dystrophy in this universe. 


Erika: exactly. Like, we didn’t need to know for sure whether he died to enjoy him running through the woods. 


Jeff: I would argue that whether or not David died in real life he was going to die in this film. 


Erika: ooh. 


Jeff: it was destined to happen. Cause death lurks around every corner. So, we’ve heard what the experts have to say, let’s hear what the dunces have to say. Erika, where are you on this? 


Erika: Like I said, I’m with PewDiePie. I didn’t like the ending, but it was OK. 


Jeff: I’m going way off the board on this one, I’m giving this sucker 4.5 out of five stars. 


Erika: woah! 


Jeff: I think this movie was almost perfect in that it gave me everything I wanted. Which was, a horrible film that was just baffing in most of the time and I’m not even joking, I literally almost peed myself at the end of the film. It was very close. Very close. I almost burst with fluids because I was laughing so hard. 


Erika: can I just say, I hope that while bursting with fluids you had your piss tube too handy. 


Jeff: [laughing] 


[musical interlude] Rock n’ roll piano progression from “Dead Letter and the Infinite Yes” by Wintersleep 


Erika: this is the point at which we start to get into the nitty gritty and talk a little bit more about what happened here. What worked, what didn’t. But, where we always like to get started is unpacking a bit how this film, which was certainly a film about disability, how was disability portrayed in this film? 


Jeff: a question it’s a little bit hard to answer in some ways. This film shows, unlike a lot of the other films, I think it approached the story of disability not from the like, the really hard biomedical perspective, there were no doctors really in this film, there wasn’t like, long descriptions of biological results of impairment. They really did try to like capture this through the lens of two children trying to understand each other in some ways, with two main characters that do have very different disabilities. So, I would say that with muscular dystrophy there’s this constant story about how David, who has muscular dystrophy, presumably Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, is degenerating. He’s gotten weaker, there’s all these other comments about how he’s not able to do things, how he remembers how he used to be able to walk and run, now he can’t. One of my favorite scenes is when Lyle and David are comparing their thighs in the pool and their legs in general. It was this bizarrely corporeal moment which is also, though, like, I could see young boys doing this. Like, it was essentially a phallic measuring moment in which we find out that David has enormous legs and feet and Lyle does not. We’ll let the Freudians unpacked that however they wish to. But disability is really, I would say, marked add as being a lack. The individual is lacking in quite a few ways even if they are, David is marked as being quite smart. He’s supposed to be a bit of a brainiac. 


Erika: And then in contrast we have Lyle. I had not heard of this diagnosis before, minimal brain dysfunction. I was puzzled to piece together that this was an ADHD. So, we learn that Lyle is at times overtaken by “the feeling”. 


Jeff: “the feeling”. 


Erika: This ominous, possession almost, that, it causes him to run. This is a little foggy for me too. The feeling I think suggests something more emotional, needing it needing to run it off suggest something more emotional, and so the ADHD label that we come to realize it is was it, just felt like a slight mismatch. But, having said that, our research reveals that this film is essentially Lyle’s story. This is Lyle telling his own story, his take on himself and his relationship with David and so understanding that this is Lyle’s self narrative, I mean, I’m inclined to accept it for whatever discrepancies there are, whatever I’m perhaps missing, I think it is Lyle’s expression of himself and his experiences, so I’m open to it and I, yeah. I’m kind of here for that. 


Jeff: yeah the way that, and maybe it’s just the actor, the way he delivers the first line when he’s like “the feeling”. When I first watched this, I thought this is going to be like a psychosis. 


Clip from the film:  


Lyle: see, I got this thing, my brother calls it “the feeling”. It’s kind of a problem. 

David: OK. Well, I was wondering about it. I mean what’s it like?  

Lyle: You know those little drummers, the kind you gotta wind up? 

David: yeah. 

Lyle: you know when you wind them up and wind them up and wind them up and they go like this [rapid footsteps]. 

David: are you kidding me? That’s what running is like? 

Lyle: running? I thought we were talking about the feeling.  


Jeff: And I guess that what he’s sort of talking about is like the energy, this like electric kind of feeling, I guess, is where it’s coming from. But despite having the feeling, there was this weird, interesting dynamic with his family and feelings [emphasized “s”]. What was that all about? 


Erika: yeah, what was that all about? It did not feel organic to the film, it felt kind of forced that it was being written into dialogue that emotions are not allowed. And it was, interestingly, it was coming from this mother. So there’s a scene where the boys are playing and they get shot? 


Jeff: Yeah, Lyle gets—there’s a gang bang drive pellet gunning. 


Erika: [laughing] yes. 


Jeff: Where did these kids grow up? 


Erika: right? Another scene that just came out of left field. 


Jeff: He ran through private property and then when he was running through the private property there were these, I’m going to say, antifa, probably, warriors, on the private property squatting, who had two rifles, who then proceeded to pellet and bludgeon Lyle to the ground from cutting through this private property. 


Erika: and so, as Lyle is back at home and his mom is, I think, tweezing the pellets out of his leg, she reminds him that he’s not cry. 


Jeff: no crying. 


Erika: there are no emotions allowed in this family. 


Jeff: yeah. Lyle has just experienced an attempted assassination and his mother tells him no crying. 


Erika: This is interesting, ’cause this almost, I feel like with Lyle’s ADHD, like, there’s this portrayal of him as almost too much. You know, if David is lack, Lyle is excess. He’s just oozing with energy. He’s running, he’s climbing, he’s loud. You know, he’s just kind of bouncy and so this, the no emotions narrative is almost like a reaffirmation that he is excessive and needs to reign it in. 


Jeff: And I feel like that’s where I struggle with that definition that they are an unlikely friend grouping, because I feel like this is a really common thing in film right where they’re like, this is like the opposites attract, the odd couple. We’ve seen this story so often, right, where it’s like, one of them is super energetic and running around and very physical all the time and high energy and the other is quiet and slow and more thoughtful and he’s sort of like the brain and Lyle is like, the action. This is like that movie The Mighty (which might be another film we should probably watch for this). 


Erika: hmm. 


Jeff: there like, this is actually a really common trope in stories about disability, where they are like, well if one of you is lacking something then we need to give the other one like, this excessiveness. And then we put you together and together you almost form like, one person. It’s like you have enough when you’re put together. 


Erika: yeah, I mean. it’s kind of a natural recipe for chemistry, like for harmony, some kind of balance. 


Jeff: right, yeah. Like there’s kind of this yin/yang thing going on.  


Erika: What can, what can these opposites offer each other. 


Jeff: right and there is like completely this transactional kind of narrative around his relationship too, right? That Lyle has the physicality, David has the thought, the ideas. He’s the ideas man. 


Erika: does it play out such that David kind of brings Lyle up academically? Because they’re working through the science fair and they’re doing all of these cool science things and then on the flipside Lyle and all of his energy is sort of like working on David’s physicality, like getting him more active. 

Jeff: I think absolutely that’s what’s going on here. That they are balancing each other out. Lyle has a purpose through David and it’s the first time that he ever really like commits to anything as we’ve been told in the film. 


Erika: I guess this is kind of reflecting the overall fact that this is Lyle’s story, but we see this play out in a few ways in the film. So Lyle takes on this sort of mixed quest to, I guess, maybe it’s not that mixed. Lyle’s quest is essentially to cure David. 


Jeff: Yeah. 


Erika: He wants to make him walk and he wants to raise money for him. 


Jeff: To get him to run again. 


Erika: yeah, by curing. I think, I’m pretty sure he specifically says in the movie that he wants to raise money for researchers. 


Jeff: yep, this is a bit of like a, this like a nature versus, or a science versus religion, I think, in some ways, right? And it is once they lean into science that David is smited. They have a fundraiser to get a cure and David is killed almost immediately after.  


Erika: really God wins this science-religion … what is the word? 


Jeff: Debate? 


Erika: Duel? 


Jeff: [laughing]. Schism? 


Erika: ooh. You made it all fancy [laughing].  


Jeff: maybe? I don’t know. Now, religion was a big part of this film and its tied directly, I think, to disability. Specifically, through these very strange inserted moments of Lyle’s mother and often Lyle himself watching televangelists Jack Lalane and specifically the phrase, “the great physician above”. 


Move clip: 


Lyle: I don’t want you to get discouraged or anything to get your way. At first you’ll think it’s things impossible, but believe me,  if you just asked a good position above for guidance and to give you the willpower to do the right thing then I don’t care what you do next. 

David: wait a minute, what did you just say? 

Lyle: uhh. 

David: what did you say right then, about the good physician above? 

Lyle: oh, oh. What I said was, if you just ask the good physician above for guidance and to give it the will power to do the right thing that I don’t care… 

David: wait a second. Wait just a dog gone second. Jack Lalane  said that on TV this morning. This whole thing is Jack Lalane. 


Jeff: the physician then becomes this apt metaphor for a higher power that has the power of life and death in their hands and like, although it’s a little clunky, it’s not and perhaps the best execution of it but there are several moments where Lyle seems to be asking for David to give himself over to a higher power. He literally uses that kind of phrasing but it’s not quite as like, obvious as it would be I think in other religious films where there’s this very like, you must give yourself to God in order to get the, whatever, and that might be because this film seems to play into another common trope, which is the connection between disabled children and God himself. That’s right, David is in commune with God. He speaks to God, God tells him things, he actually prophesizes things in the movie. He prophesizes the death of their teacher. So David is talking to not already, but Lyle is going to become this like, spiritual leader to train him how to walk again. Tied always right with the question of God though is this question of death and dying, which I think is another big trope that comes up a lot with disability. That proximity to death. Like, we’re primed like right off the bat — David is going to die. Now, there is a bit of a playfulness ’cause it appears as though he’s going to die in a wheelchair accident at the very beginning of the film, is how it’s sort of primed. Oh, I should mention there’s a flash forward in this film. If you want if you weren’t sure about how many balls are in the air, the movie begins with a, ‘here’s something you’re going to see in about an hour and a half later’. Maybe an hour later, when they’re going to run down the down the road on the wheelchair and nearly die. But death is sort of constantly surrounding him, but it’s also kind of also surrounding Lyle as well. We got all this sort of talk about Lyle having these sort of episodes that are perpetually putting people at risk and particularly this belief that Lyle is going to be the death of David. That Lyle’s excess is just going to eviscerate the fragile body of David. 


Erika: so, yeah, there’s an interesting play with Lyle being all about this excess, being so big and so much for people to handle but he’s also lacking. For reasons unknown it is mentioned that he’s colorblind very briefly, he’s bad at school, of course, because you know he’s having trouble sitting still and focusing, staying engaged and we also see that he’s kind of unsuccessful with love. Interesting that he has some romantic exchanges at all because we definitely notice that David doesn’t have any of those. 


Jeff: none. 


Erika: but a couple of times we see Lyle flirting with a young woman or professing his strong feelings for one of his classmates but he’s not successful in love ultimately and so we do see him we do see him portrayed as lacking in a couple of different ways. 


Jeff: He seems to be positioned as really disliked within the school. Lyle does not appear to have friends until he meets up with David, which I think it means that it’s time for us to talk about perhaps what went wrong in this film. Some of the oddities, the strange things that we noticed, the questions that are left unanswered and the first question that I have for you Erika professionally, as an occupational therapist: these two characters meet in the bathroom. They are sent to the bathroom together which, maybe that was a thing in the 60s I don’t know, and it is here we are introduced to the way that David uses the toilet. Now I myself, as a man with a physical disability, have never thought of or been instructed to use a PVC pipe to pee down and into a toilet. And, to mount this urine tube like a rocket launcher on the side of my wheelchair for ready access to my piss tube whenever I need it. My question to you Erika, as an OT, how many piss tubes have you prescribed in your professional career? 


Erika: to date, um, yeah none. 


Jeff: [laughing] 


Erika: That’s not a thing. I mean I have seen piss in tubes, but never a PVC pipe with a chest strap attached is something that I could only describe as a poster holder? Yeah, that’s not a thing. 


Jeff: yeah. The piss rocket immediately got my attention. 


Erika: oh, Jeff. I will not forget the day that you texted me, long before we had even discussed the podcast. 


Jeff: the first time I saw this movie in the midst of the movie I immediately picked up my phone and texted Erika and asked her if, in her experience, she has ever seen someone using a piss rocket. A shoulder mounted piss rocket. I have gone in and looked and I could not find any examples of this in the world. Like, portable urinals,  the jug urinal things, existed well before this movie and well before the 1960s. I am baffled by this. 


Erika: oh, it’s entirely impractical. Just like everything about it. If you’re gonna take a pipe like why would it be straight, right? 


Jeff: Right. 


Erika: Why wouldn’t it be curved? 


Jeff: Right! 


Erika: it’s like an arm length tube.  


Jeff: it’s like 6 feet! 


Erika: how are you gonna wash it? How are you going to keep it, this is just, nothing about this makes any practical sense.  


Jeff: You would have to be very far from the toilet, extremely far. I actually would argue this may only work in a urinal ’cause I don’t know if you would have the right gravity. I don’t know that the wheelchair sitter would be high enough for the urine to run down the tube and into the toilet.  


Erika: without it being dipped right into the toilet water. 


Jeff: right, yes and whether or not your seat is actually higher. Like, I’m not always higher than the toilet. They have those really tall toilets right, for transfers, where I think you’d be like peeing across like a plane. You wouldn’t get the gravity flow down and in fact it might actually roll back on you this piss tube would also smell just terrible. 


Erika: oh yeah. 


Jeff: and it’s right beside his head the entire movie. 


Erika: yeah, I mean this thing is, it’s just ridiculous in so many ways. I have maybe 2 theories about the piss tube. One is like, it must have existed in real life.  


Jeff: how could it not? There’s no way someone would make this up. 


Erika: so that’s running theory one, is that this was real and who knows why. Maybe in their, I mean, weren’t they in Washington? 


Jeff: Spokane, WA yeah. 


Erika: yeah, so it’s not like they were in like a small isolated place where maybe they didn’t have the same access to medical equipment like a urinal. The only other theory is that for some reason, and again, calling on our psychoanalysts, they just really wanted a very visible reminder of David’s urine. 

Jeff: I wonder if this was about the gag. Like that this was like, they added this in because they thought it would be funny. When they first me, Lyle would have like a moment, would have a “condition”,  where he would grab the pipe, start swinging it around, and then use it like a trumpet. 


Erika: which happened. 


Jeff: which happens, 100% that is what happens and that’s how they like, bond. They bond over Lyle essentially putting his mouth on David’s penis. Or at least putting it somewhere David’s penis has been. And it’s played as this is sort of like, ha ha ha that’s so gross. And I think it’s like a boys will be gross thing maybe? I don’t know. Or maybe this is, as you said, about the fluids and about how Lyle is — their friendship is locked in because Lyle doesn’t run away at the contamination of the urine. 


Erika: yeah, his reaction is mild for having just realized that he just put his mouth on someone’s urine stick.  


Jeff: He is like that was inconvenient. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: I probably shouldn’t have done that. Will I do it again? Maybe. I think it’s also germane to the conversation that there are several real photos of David on the Internet in some documentaries and none of those photos include a shoulder mounted piss rocket. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: I don’t know if they just take it off for photos maybe, or this is completely made up which leads to a big question: does Lyle understand how David uses the bathroom? Or was this an assumption that Lyle has made over the years.  


Erika: I wonder if David had some other kind of device that he actually hung on his chair that Lyle just always fantastically presumed was a piss tube. 


Jeff: This wasn’t the only thing though that was a little weird about disability in the film. 


Erika: this was the weirdest though and this one I think like, this one was weird in a way that the others were not. This one was uniquely weird, weird and unique to this film. The other like, doing disability weirdly things were more like stereotypes. 


Jeff: Oh yeah. 


Erika: obviously while David needs someone to go to the bathroom with him. There was a good ol head pat at least once in the film. 


Jeff: there was that, and I think the other thing that was very common about this film was David’s asexuality. David is really the only character that doesn’t seem to have any sort of interest or active engagement in the world of sexual relations. Lyle has like a weird little obsession, David teases him about that obsession, David is friends with the girls. He has no problem talking to them, but shows no interest otherwise in any of the women. We even meet David’s brother’s girlfriend. We meet everyone else’s interested, but David is not sexual. He has no interest in the opposite sex aside from friendship. I think it’s bound up in like, physical disability therefore not sexually active. 


Erika: do you think there’s any connection with like, his closeness with God and his presumed imminent death? Do those layer in there? 


Jeff: mm. like a piety thing perhaps. That’s an interesting take. 


Erika: so carrying on with the aspects of the film that we are not celebrating, shall we say? There was definitely that disability as requiring treatment or cure, so we had this pursuit to cure muscular dystrophy. Interesting, well I guess we were– so we have these two disabilities kind of running side by side in the film, we’ve got the muscular dystrophy and ADHD. And clearly like, a lot of emphasis on curing MD. I wouldn’t say that it’s curing ADHD that we’re after but there’s this whole conversation about medication, medicating Lyle in order to contain him. 


Jeff: yeah, I would say that is this interesting politics around the desire to cure David. There seems to be a desire for Lyle, Lyle is being let down and it’s more about the structural challenges that he faces. The school just isn’t set up right for him, presumably. 


Erika: I want to come back to this when we talk about what went right in the film, because I do think that there were some — this is kind of a strength of the film, is the fact that we have, you know, given that this is Lyle’s perspective, everything around ADHD is first person perspective, but I think that the flip side of that was that, and this is part of where the film goes a bit wrong, is that Lyle’s telling David story, making it all about this cure and overcoming. 


Jeff: This is a part that I think is really difficult when it comes to media studies and representations of disability, because in this unique instance we have a character with a terminal disability. At this time, children with Duchenne’s probably weren’t making it much past age 13, 14. They would have been dying quite young. That age expectancy is obviously a lot higher now, closer to 30 years old now, but it is still a terminal disease and so on the one hand it’s, there’s this desire to eradicate the disability but on the other hand Lyle is trying to save his friend. The death is the biggest issue, but at the same time that’s not how the film positions it. Because the real positioning is David needs to run again. David needs the freedom from the chair. Not so much that David’s going to die from this. And he does die from it eventually, but that is sort of seen as like, maybe part of God’s plan? And so really it was the walking that needed to be cured. And I think that’s what really separates this film, you know. If it’s a movie about somebody with a terminal disease and they’re trying to survive I think that’s a completely rational, understandable, and that makes a lot of sense to me. But the weird focus on the running here, that it’s not just about saving his life, it really is about giving him a corporeal experience that he has lost and that’s thought to be somehow meaningful. That has like, a value that is urgently necessary for him.  


Erika: Well, OK. So I just I want to jump back to Jack. His stick was physical wellness as salvation and like, we see this repeatedly on mom’s television, so this is obviously something that was like, Lyle grew up hearing — that sitting is going to kill you. You need to get physically active. 


Jeff: Right. 


Erika: so I don’t know, maybe it’s a little bit of a time capsule. 


Jeff: that’s fascinating. 


Erika: yeah. And that’s not the only, I think we could speculate, TV influence that has shaped the plotlines of this film because we know for a while that Lyle wants to raise money and then we learn that there’s going to be talent show at school and I think, as we were first presented to it I thought like, oh OK we’re just setting up one more thing that David, for whatever reason, isn’t going to be able to participate in. But then we realize that Lyle has decided that specifically he’s going to walk on his hands for, what is it, like 100 yards or something? To raise money. And then all of a sudden as it starts to come together, we suddenly have essentially a telethon on our hands. 


Jeff: right! That is another one of my favorite parts of this movie. 


Erika: oh, hands down. 


Jeff: Is that this is a movie set in the 1960s and as our beloved listeners know, I’m sure, the Jerry Lewis telethon on starts in 1964. So this is happening right, essentially, at the start of the telethon. This film ends with essentially a variety show in which the children get up and do a bunch of talents and then culminates with a fundraiser. I think this is a telethon. 


Erika: oh, I think you missed the detail where firefighters are standing by, waiting collect donations. 


Jeff: Right, absolutely. And of course, firefighters are, most firefighter charities are giving money to muscular dystrophy, that’s their disability of choice. I believe that actually wasn’t a thing yet in 1960. But correct me if I’m wrong. 


Erika: more forecasting. 


Jeff: yeah, I think this is that revisionist history that’s happening with Lyle, where he’s reflecting back on things and I’m wondering how much of this story is like, this is how it happened, you know, hand to God gospel truth versus this is the way in which after a lifetime Lyle is now reflecting back on his life and he’s seeing the ways in which pop culture aligns weirdly with his experiences, or he’s kind of bent and mutated the happenings could fit within this narrative. And maybe that was because of film — I find it odd that they would have a talent show and science fair at the exact same time in the gym, that seems, I don’t think I’ve never seen that personally. Maybe that’s common? I don’t know. And so it’s like, they had this whole narrative of the science project, that’s how they really are — that’s the bug story and possibly the proving god’s existence story, and they were like, well, but we also need to have him do this like, feat. This physical feat for his friend. This show of strength for his friend who’s so weak. So, I think there’s also that dichotomy happening here too, that they like, needed it to happen. And so, I’m wondering if it’s like, he’s thinking back and he’s like, Oh yeah, the Jerry Lewis has these, you know, these sort of musical acts and carnival acts and then it’s all brought together under this, to raise money, essentially for MD. 


Erika: now, chronologically, so David is going to have an accident that’s going to ultimately culminate in his death. Had that happened yet? Like, was David sick already at the point of this show happening? 


Jeff: I believe the implication here is they have the fundraiser and then immediately afterwards David drowns. 


Erika: okay, speaking of revisionist, though. That scene was so much like the scene in The Sandlot. Like, I’m pretty sure it was based on that scene. 


Jeff: yeah, absolutely. Part of the reason why I think that laughed so hard is because it is so out of nowhere. Like, they have this great triumph and you’re assuming that this is like the denouement. Your assuming that this is going to be, like, they’re going to wrap this thing up. You know, they have a happy life or you know, maybe there’ll be a black screen and it’ll be like, David died a year later or whatever. I assumed this was going to end after the charity fundraiser. It’s a bit success, they raise all this money. He proves that evil principle wrong. But no, they’re like, David has to die and we’re going to watch it. And we now get this additional, I think it’s about 15 minutes, in which David drowns. We watch him drown and then he dies moments later from complications resulting. That’s true, according to David’s mother. David did in fact have a drowning in his family pool and it wasn’t long after that he passed away. Now, where that happens in terms of the actual timeline of events – unclear. But, according to the movie, it appears to be fundraiser, dead six months later. 


Erika: This is definitely a weird point of transition into talking about what went right. But, I think that what you just described, a potentially rapid descent from being pretty healthy to death, like it can happen. That captures something that can be very real. Obviously, the historical inaccuracies or, you know, the fantasies that are kind of interwoven with the retelling. You know, it’s a natural part of retelling a story but if I could kick-off our “what went right” or “what did this movie do well”. I want to come back to that point that this is Lyle’s story and I think I felt watching the movie that the whole theme around ADHD was actually treated quite well. We end up, it’s not intended to be the focal point of the story I don’t think.  


Jeff: mhmm. 


Erika: maybe it is. I mean, if you think about the fact that this is, you know, it’s called different drummers. It’s sort of implying that we have, I think, those who marched to the beat of their own drum are oddities, they’re different people, and you know, it’s not different drummer. It’s not a story about David. 


Jeff: yes. 


Erika: it’s a story about these two different drummers, these two oddballs that for whatever, they’re odd in their own ways but they’ve united. It’s a story about friendship, but the telling and again this goes back to that review that was pretty generous with the film despite remarking that it was kind of all over the place. Like I almost feel like there was also in the narrative structure sort of a portrayal of Lyle’s somewhat scattered, bouncy mind. So we, you know, I think that’s a reality of life for someone who has struggled holding attention. That there are a lot of stories that are all very pressing and they all need to be told and they might not fit neatly together but that’s how my brain works. So, that’s the story you’re getting. Really a sharp contrast, because I saw a lot of those sort of typical narratives about David that were sort of this other perspective on disability, which I think is just always a trap that you’re going to fall into when you have the person without lived experience telling the story, but the flip side of that, and something really unique about this film then, was Lyle telling his own story and this sort of nuanced conversation that came up around whether to medicate or segregate, and sort of the politics around medicating Lyle for this condition or for the symptoms that were really less bothering him and more bothering other people. 


Jeff: absolutely. I don’t think we’ve ever been more aligned on something. I love the fact that this film, the portrayal of ADHD is predominantly not comic in nature. Lyle is presented as kind of a funny and goofy little guy but he’s not your typical like, bouncing off the walls like wild person by any means. I think as you said, I think this storyline actually represents that in a really interesting way. In a way that has way more nuance than your typical understandings of ADHD and I honestly loved the actual complexity that was given to this medication story, right, about whether or not to medicate Lyle, and the pros and cons, the financial impact, the pressure from the school. I feel like that story line probably rings very true to a lot of people with ADHD, whether or not it was in the 1960s or in the 2010s. 


Erika: That was a solid strength for me. 


Jeff: I liked the fact that the principle eventually becomes the only real villain in this film. I think that Lyle is extremely gentle and really uplifting towards his teachers and obviously the janitor especially. He sees in all of these people friends of his and in is parents he sees friends and allies is supporters. In David’s family he finds friends and allies and supporters. At the end of the day it is only the principle who is a monster and hates Lyle more than anything. Even the police seem to love this little guy. And I actually thought it was interesting how it’s like, you can see the like creative process and Lyle as he’s presumably writing this being like, alright but I did, I kinda like my teacher in grade four and the janitor was kind of nice but I need someone mean. Well, I didn’t like the principle. The principle was the worst. So, we’ll make her the villain. But I want to know, so at the end of the film Lyle proceeds with his plan, which the principle has been against the entire time. The principle then goes into the bathroom and cries. What did that scene mean? 


Erika: it was baffling scene for all involved. If you remember, I think she was in conversation with the cop? 


Jeff: she was. 


Erika: and the cop is baffled, everyone is baffled. Nobody really understands. Although, you know, the fact that you brought it up, I kinda suspect that you have to take on this. 


Jeff: I don’t. I am still baffled to this time, after several watches, I do not understand why the principle goes to the bathroom and bawls. 


Erika: I don’t know, maybe the irony of it is that she seems to be having a bit of a breakdown. She’s doing that kind of like, sobbing, laughing, crying, and she’s hiding and so, I don’t know, maybe there’s something around like, she’s trying to medicate this child for not being able to contain his excesses and now she’s hiding out in the bathroom so that nobody else can witness her excesses. 


Jeff: mm. maybe it’s a moment of allyship. 


Erika: self-realization, or not self-realization, but like introspection. 


Jeff: Right, she realizes that she’s a bad person maybe. How did you feel about the near death experience? 


Erika: honestly, I loved it. I think characterizing it as a near death experience makes me sound kind of sadistic for saying that, but let me see, how to explain why I loved it. I loved it because it was so normal. There was no there was no stereotype, there was nothing. It was so organic. It’s a scene in which these two mischievous boys decide like, hey man, you wheel. This is a big hill. 


Jeff: Let’s rip. 


Erika: let’s run up this hill and fly down together. Yeahhh. Right? So this is the whole like, Lyle’s going to kill David. 


Jeff: [laughing] right, yes. 


Erika: but like it’s not even, you know? They’re fully in it together. It was totally that like, yeah. Let’s do this. And like, so much joy, totally normalizing the chair, like, hop on bud, riding on the chair and they’re flying down and it’s like oh God what’s going to happen? Is this when he’s going to die? What’s going to happen? There’s a lot of emotion, but the beauty of this scene to me is just all of that. It’s so, it just feels so normal. I don’t know, maybe you can speak to whether this is real because like, did you do this as a kid? 


Jeff: Absolutely when I was kid. Both my manual and electric wheelchair there was so much play. What I found interesting about this scene, and I think because in some ways this scene is a microcosm of all of the technical things that are wrong with this film, when you think about this room like a film production analysis, whatever. So, this film is set up as the climax at the very start of the film. This is not the climate of the film. This is like the midway point of the film. So I don’t know why it teases it at the very beginning and then we arrive at it, it happens and yeah. It’s a part of the plot but it’s certainly not the climax. You assume it would be. It’s not. And as it’s happening, as a viewer, you’re sitting there and you’re like I have no idea where this is going to go. Are they gonna wipe out die? Maybe. Are they gonna get run down by a car and die? Maybe. Are they going to arrive at the bottom and nothing bad will happen? Maybe. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: all of these things could have happened at the end of that scene and it fundamentally would not have changed the film. There is a sort of like subplot that as a result of it maybe Lyle and David shouldn’t be friends anymore, but you could have just taken that entire subplot out essentially and the movie is still pretty much the same. It doesn’t really necessarily change the film. So I’m like, you are forecasting a scene that doesn’t actually have a ton to do with the film even if it does give a good representation of their relationship, and then the scene happens and some things happen and it moves the plot forward I suppose, but it’s still kind of a strange scene that’s just like, shoehorned in. I also am very impressed that the two actors got as far down the hill as they did in this clearly rickety wheelchair. 


Erika: Oh yeah, that was the other possibility that didn’t mention was that like a wheel was gonna pop up off— 


Jeff: yeah the thing just, they like full send down the hill and the chair just literally rips itself apart and that, not even as a scripted part of the film, that just happened. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: a really sketchy metal wheelchair are they using. But I think you’re right. I think the fact that the wheelchair becomes a part of their play is actually pretty representative and I would not doubt for a moment that this happened and that both David and Lyle were equal conspirators in the plan to go down the hill. 


Erika: And just, when do you see that? Like you don’t. That’s never, I feel like, that’s the joy, that’s the cool stuff and nobody ever tells that story.  


Jeff: So of course we’ve talked about David’s death, but David’s death is not actually the end of the movie. It keeps going after this for just a very stereotypical and unintentionally hilarious ending. Erika, take us through the end of this film. 


Erika: ugh, the cringe factor is so big.  


Jeff: [laughing] 


Erika: So, the movie was supposed to end after the romp down the hill. It didn’t. Then the character died, briefly, came back to life and then he died again. So, after David dies for the second time, Lyle finds out and as Lyle is prone to, he’s overcome with “the feeling”— 


Jeff: The feeling. 


Erika: and he takes off running. And he runs through the woods, he heads back to, you know,  the places that he and David have spent time together and who should appear next to him but David. Running, in death achieving the goal that Lyle had for David’s life. 


Jeff: and then a freeze frame. 


Erika: so that you will always remember etched in your consciousness, David running. 


Jeff: these films seem to desire, the character must escape the chair by the end. By some way, by anyway. And maybe that way is death, but we see the exact same thing at the end of Theory of Everything, where it’s like, you could not end the story of Stephen Hawking without walking, and he wasn’t dead yet, so instead they have to like, construct this scene where Eddie Redmayne gets up out of the wheelchair and picks up a pen for an attractive woman. Freudian! It’s similar in this film, it’s like there’s this desire, like David has to run. I thought it was going to end when Lyle puts David on his back and then sort of piggybacks him and runs around. I thought, OK so they’ve wrapped that story line up — but no, they had to have this post – no, not post partum. What is that, postmortem? 


Erika: [laughing] post mortem. 


Jeff: they have to have this post mortem, although maybe actually postpartum might describe much of this film because it was a sadness after it was born. There’s this desire, this post mortem that has to happen, where he has to be seen running and he has to overcome. He has to get out of the wheelchair. It’s the payoff that we have been promised by this film and this is where I say this is a film clearly trying to sort of end on an inspirational note. It’s like they thought, well, it’s too big of a bummer to end with David dying, so we’ll end with maybe they did get to run, once, in the sun, in the forest where they used to play. 


[Music interlude] Summery groove with deep bass notes from “Passionfruit” by Drake 


Erika: alrighty, so. We have gone through the critical reception of this masterpiece. We’ve run through our hot takes, but this isn’t just a fictional story. This is very much one that is maybe not even inspired by reality, this is a true story. This is based on real life. So, we have some good possible facts, some hot trivia to uncover. I think we need to start by asking the obvious question here, Jeff, which is: why does David wear your wardrobe? Were you involved in the creation of this film? 


Jeff: [laughing] so, I think that they may have broken into my house because David wears definitely more than one cardigan that I’m 90% sure I own, and several other great little combos of pants and sweaters. David does not seem to have my shoe taste. He is not a sneakerhead. I don’t know if that means that David was very fashion forward or if I dress like a 1960s child.  


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: It’s unclear. 


Erika: Maybe this is a both/and. Has anyone ever mistaking you for David? 


Jeff: for David? That is not happened yet. In fact, if that becomes a thing, I would actually be thrilled. If people were like, oh aren’t you that guy from Different Drummers? It would be a phenomenal turn events in my life. 


Erika: I think you just need to start promoting the film a little harder. So we’ve talked about chairs before. Is this, the chair in this film, is this one that you have also had at some point in your life? 


Jeff: This was a frustration for me. I have been trying to track down what this wheelchair is, who made it, what type of wheelchair it is. It appears to have a relatively generic frame, however there are some oddities, particularly around the footrests that I have been trying to track it down. I do not know what type of wheelchair this is. I am not able to identify it. If one of our lovely listeners knows what kind of wheelchair this is, please let us know because we’re going to keeping track of all of the brands that get shout outs in these films, whether it be through usage or possibly direct product placement. 


Erika: I read that the actor who played Lyle was, there was a good amount of effort that went into casting Lyle. They really shot for a kid that looked like him, and not just look like him but was like him. Recruited from a Christian school, 7th grader, just like Lyle in a lot of ways. And he said not only did he himself, I don’t know if he described himself as having ADHD, but definitely as a hyper and everywhere kind of all over the place kid, but also had mentioned that he had a disabled sister who used a wheelchair, which I think is fascinating because another one of those opportunities in the film to probably approximate reality in the representation a little bit better. Like, I think the more people that have lived experience on the set involved in the film you’re probably going to get a better outcome, a more accurate outcome. 


Jeff: yeah, and that actually might speak to why their relationship felt kind of authentic in some ways, because this was, this this actor Bradon, was able to kind of tap into things that himself — he probably has also ridden down a hill on his sisters wheelchair at some point. 


Erika: [laughing] 


Jeff: I think that’s really fascinating. They actually do look kind of similar ,photos of young Lyle comparatively is fascinating, but there does seem to be this interesting connection with disability kind of throughout the film, which is something that we didn’t really expect when we started this project.  


Erika: mhm 


Jeff: We presumed it was going to be a lot of nondisabled people talking about the disabled and that’s not the case for this film. 


Erika: yeah I mean, I think when you’re looking at, when you’re looking at when you know that the end of the film is this kid who can’t walk regains the ability to walk you have pretty low expectations for the rest of the film. 


Jeff: right, yeah. The bar is already quite low. 


Erika: And although it doesn’t say that on the box, it’s very, very early in the film pretty clear that that is where this is going. 


Jeff: Oh yeah, yeah. Like, David is going to die or walk and bless these creators we got both. 


Erika: [laughing] do you have any hot trivia to bring to this? 


Jeff: I have a few things. So there’s two things that I have been really thinking about. So num, ber one, there is a lot of content about this film that has been made, presumably by Lyle Hatcher and Don Keran, the other cowriter and director. They have a YouTube channel, they made documentaries about this film. They have all sorts of content. They have like, on the DVD there is all this like, teaching tools and other materials. They really wrapped this movie up into a real package and as a result we actually get some really interesting stories about where this film came from. So, it is confirmed by David’s real mom in one of the documentaries that David did in fact have a “series of prophecies” that were shared to him by God. David apparently predicted the birth of a daughter, a family friend I believe was they didn’t know was pregnant. He predicted that she was not only pregnant but had a daughter, that happened. And he did in fact predict the death of his teacher. What is not shared in the film exactly, it’s kind of hinted at, the teacher was apparently chronically ill. So I don’t know if this is exactly a prophecy so much as kind of an inevitable conclusion. But I think this notion of David as prophet I think explains this film in some ways, because I would argue that Different Drummers, as much as it is about telling Lyle’s story, what I think this movie is really about is about canonizing David. I wonder if this is about trying to get David like, a sainthood status, to show these miracles that David produced. And there is this amazing quote from Lyle Hatcher, the real Lyle Hatcher, in one of documentaries where he’s talking about why he made it and, let’s roll that clip: 


The real Lyle: over the last 40 years I kept going back to the places that David and I, where we had our adventures, our friendship. All the fun places and the fun things we did together. The open fields, the hills the river, the school. There was something that constantly kept pushing me back in that direction. Every single time I would go back I would remember something different, something unique and maybe something that gave me comfort, and to some degree strength. Something that I was missing that I left behind. The memories of David and I have been haunting me. I need to know why. Why would something like this stay with me for 45 years? 


Jeff: Lyle is haunted by David’s presence. Quite literally haunted by it. It stuck with him. And he goes on to tell the story about how he went on a hike, up a mountain, and a thunderstorm happened, and he took that as a sign that “David and our friendship should be a movie.” He then proceeds to work for 8 and a half years to write, fund, produce and eventually film this movie with the help of a local film studio guy named Don Karan. It went from like, a five-page script into a full-fledged feature film which was put out in theatres and people went and saw it. It made just under $20,000 I believe in box office, which I also believe is well below the budget of this film. I think they spent a ton of money on this movie and I don’t believe they made it back. But, that might be wrong and if I’m wrong, good for you. That’s great. But I think that the way that Lyle talks about the film really reveals that this isn’t just about his own personal narrative, which we both actually thought would have been better perhaps, as being the focus of this, but really I think this is about the light the mystical religious relationship between disabled people and God, higher power, whatever it might be. This idea that it, just as in Miracle in Lane 2, God doesn’t make mistakes. That David’s disability provides him this deeper connection to a higher power, which I think we’re going to hear a lot in many of these films. 


Erika: This is fascinating. It really, it is fascinating that that this is a story that gets told and retold, that people feel so profoundly touched by their brushes with disability. 


Jeff: that it literally haunted him and he had to tell this story, he had to — maybe this is an act of remembrance, maybe it’s an act of revealing a life that is otherwise not talked about or not shared, not honored, perhaps. But I think I’m with you. I think these are actually stories that are continually honored, continually shared, to the point that it’s the only story that we start to hear is about this disabled people who are troubled, they have a hard life, but that this connection with God, which maybe makes it worth it or implies that there’s a rational reason for it to happen, that sanitizes it in some ways, and then allows them to be, to stand as these sort of religious objects. So Lyle then is able to show his compassion through his ability to care for David, to support David, and to love David. 


Erika: I think we are making a very natural slide out of trivia and into final thoughts here. 


Jeff: so, Erika, final thoughts on Different Drummers 


Erika: My final thoughts on Different Drummers are that I am once again surprised. I came in pretty ready to tear this apart and for all of its problematic tropes and representations, I am pleasantly surprised to find through deeper analysis some merit. I once again hesitate to give this film too much praise, but you know, we’re not really here to judge the film itself. We’re really here to talk about how did it treat disability, and I think it treated disability in some decently realistic ways and it, through the stories that it told, it has certainly made for some thought provoking conversation. 


Jeff: when I think about Different Drummers and I think about this broader project of Invalid Culture, I’m struck by this question about whether or not it is possible to both make a good movie and a progressive movie at the same time. Because it appears as though like, objectively Different Drummers is a bad movie. It is poorly made, it is it is all over the place, I think all of the critiques of this film are completely accurate from like a film perspective. I do not recommend this film to anybody. And so then, we have to ask ourselves, is the general audience, is the truth of disability an aesthetic that actually lends itself to movies that we perceive as powerful, evocative, interesting, artistic or good? Can we actually make a good movie on both sides of that equation. A technically good and also disability good? I wanna say yes, I want to believe that that’s possible, but I wonder how many of these movies that make good points are getting bogged down by the ways that they don’t reflect what is presumed to be examples of good disability art. So this movie doesn’t break through because it’s not Rain Man and people are left looking at it as a bingo bargain, bargain bin purchase, as opposed to some sort of legitimate artistic interrogation of childhood with various disabilities. But at the same time, it’s a bad movie. 


Erika: well, and I think, like, we are definitely being generous with it but I think one of the traps that we see here and that we’re likely to see time and again is that these are “other” narratives. These are not people telling their own story, these are people telling someone else’s story and so I think that we are always, they sort of, these films lack the technical success to bring these stereotypical tropes which people love. Our Amazon reviews confirm. 


Jeff: absolutely. 


Erika: they lack the technical quality to bring these lovable, mainstream lovable stories to success, but they lack the storytelling power of a narrative that’s grounded in lived experience. And again, that’s that was that was what made this film for me, was that it had that aspect. So, I think we carry on in our quest to find some first-person narratives that are like, people who set out to tell their own story. 


Jeff: my hot take for tonight’s episode, our closing thought, we’re not gonna see any self representation on this podcast because I don’t think that those films will reach our high low bar for trashy, trashy content.  


[Outro music] Hip hop beat from “Hard Out Here For a Gimp” by Wheelchair Sports Camp 


Jeff: And so concludes another episode of Invalid Culture. Did you enjoy the episode? Have a good time? Why don’t you tell a friend about it. Tell em right now. Send a message, email them or message them on tik tok wherever it is you’re socializing. Tell them to check out this podcast. Do you have a film that you think it would be great for us to cover? Do you want to torture us with a terrible movie you once watched? Awesome. Go onto our website and send us your worst films. Who knows, maybe you will get to hear an episode in which we cover it. So thank you again for tuning in and until next time, take care and we’ll talk to you soon. 


DVD cover of the Disney Channel's "Miracle in Lane 2" with the caption "Justin tried for a trophy. What he won was extraordinary"

What if Malcom in the Middle was disabled?

Released just before Frank Muniz would become a household name, Miracle In Lane 2 is the “true” docu-dramedy following the life of Justin Yoder, a young boy with a physical disability who just wants to win something gosh darnit!

When this episode was recorded, this film could be watched on Disney+. But we at Invalid Culture are purists and, of course, watched it using Jeff’s personal DVD copy.

Listen now…

Grading the Film

As always, this film is reviewed with scores recorded in four main categories, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst. Like the game of golf, the lower the score the better.

How accurate is the representation?

Jeff – 4 / 5

Erika – 3 / 5

Total – 7 / 10

How difficult was it to watch the movie?

Erika – 3 / 5

Jeff – 2 / 5

Total – 5 / 10

How often were things unintentionally funny?

Erika – 3 / 5

Jeff – 4 / 5

Total – 7 / 10

How far back has it put disabled people?

Jeff – 3 / 5

Erika – 4 / 5

Total – 7 / 10

The Verdict

Crimes have been committed…

Podcast Transcript

[Theme Music] Hip hop beat from “Hard Out Here For a Gimp” by Wheelchair Sports Camp
Welcome to Invalid Culture, a podcast dedicated to excavating the strangest, most baffling, and worst representations of disability in popular culture. Unlike other podcasts that review films you’ve probably heard of, invalid culture is all about looking into the abyss of pop culture adjacent representations that never quite broke through because, well, they’re just awful. I’m joined today by my co-host, Jeffrey Preston. Jeff, why don’t you tell us about yourself?
I am a professor of disability studies and my background is in media. I teach media studies, I love movies and television, and I first got interested in media and disability because as a person with a physical disability, I always found it strange how the things that we see on television and in film were just not representative to my lived experience. And I wanted to understand why that was. I also have a love for terrible movies. The worse they are, the more I enjoy them. I don’t care about the Oscars, I’m here for the Razzies. But I’m not the only one here at Invalid Culture, I’m also joined by my co-host, Erika Katzman. Erika, why don’t you introduce yourself?
Well I am also teaching in disability studies. I have a PhD in health and rehab science. I have a background in cultural anthropology, so that’s sort of where I come to this table. I’m really interested in the stories that we tell, the things that drive us, the cultural narratives that find their way into these cinematic representations. And I can’t say that I share your passion for terrible film, but I’m thrilled to be along on this ride with you. So that’s sort of where I come to this table.
And it is going to be a ride. So what is Invalid Culture? Well, we decided that it would be interesting to do a podcast, not about those classic films that we all hear about and read about in scholarship, we’re not here to talk about Rain Man or What’s Eating Gilbert Grape or whatever Eddie Redmayne is trying to win an Oscar with this year. But rather, we decided it would be more interesting for us to look at maybe not just the B-list films, but the C-list films. Because it turns out, there are a ton of bizarre, strange, often confusing films about disability that are not the type of thing that you’re going to probably see in theater, but is 100% the thing that you’re going to see on your streaming platforms like Netflix and Prime Video and Disney Plus, Tubi.
So Erika, why did you agree to do this with me?
Why? Why would I agree to do this with you? I mean, I am interested in … I don’t know if it’s unfair to call this the underbelly of popular culture. I’m interested in knowing what are the … I’m familiar with the Oscar winners, I know those stories. But I’m curious to learn more about and maybe pick apart a little bit, some of the lesser-known tales that I wonder if these are going to really be lesser known tales, or if these are going to be tales that we know kind of well in different boxes.
So Invalid Culture is going to be about looking at the culture that is just that, invalid, things that probably should not be consumed. But don’t worry, weary traveler listening to this podcast, Erika and I will watch it for you and we will filter through the fun and the joy. If you’d like to play along with us, I’d recommend watching the movie before you listen to the podcast, but maybe not. Maybe you prefer to be spoiled, hear what the movie is all about, check it out after. But most importantly, we want to hear from you. Do you know an absolutely absurd film about disability? Have you seen something that left you questioning existence, reality, the very nature of humankind? Please send it to us, send it in. We want to know the filth that you’ve had to endure. Punish us for doing this to you.
So it is our first episode of Invalid Culture, and we have chosen, I would say, a great place for us to start. Erika, what was your … Did you have any relationship with this film before you watched it?
No, I had never heard of this film. I mean, I knew who Frankie Muniz is from Malcolm In the Middle, of course. I was shocked to hear that when you spoke to people of a slightly younger generation about this film that it seems to be quite well known. I knew nothing about this film.
Yeah, I was also in the dark until, actually it was young people, kept referring to it in my class about disability of pop culture, my university class. And I will share I have special connection, I think, to this film, because right in the early 2000s, I suddenly had people telling me that they thought I looked like Frankie Muniz. And that’s a weird thing, because I do not look like Frankie Muniz at all. I mean, we’re both men I suppose, boys. We both have brown hair, I suppose. And I never understood it. And it wasn’t until years later that I saw this film and was like, “Oh dear lord. It’s because Frankie Muniz was in a wheelchair in a film.” And that’s what people are clocking. I’m reminding them of Miracle on Lane Two on some deep unconscious level.
That is something.
It is weird. So let’s just put the record out there, I don’t look like Frank Muniz, I don’t think. Even if I do low-key maybe have the same manual wheelchair as he does in this film. I’m fairly confident that I have his exact same wheelchair. Different color, because I’m not basic, but the same wheelchair, I think.
So what are we even talking about? Well our friends that are listening, we are of course talking about Disney TV, not film, not even really Disney Plus, it didn’t exist at this point. We are talking, of course, about the made for TV movie, Miracle in Lane Two.
From the Vox, “Sensational Frankie Muniz from TV’s Malcolm in the Middle, stars as Justin Yoder in Miracle in Lane Two, inspired by the true story of a mischievous and courageous 12-year-old who refused to let a physical challenge defeat him. His unrelenting desire to win a trophy leads to Justin’s discovery that it’s perseverance that makes a winner as he prepares for a national soap box championship race. Fresh, funny, all of action and heart, Miracle in Lane Two combines courage, challenges, and thrills for the ride of a lifetime.”
The ride of a lifetime. The bar is set very high.
It is, but you know, I mean reading this over, it doesn’t even really ring, it doesn’t even ring with the film.
No, anyone who’s watched this film might be wondering, they’re like, “Well, I mean, Frankie Muniz is in it, there is a soap box race.” But a lot of the rest of it seems really disconnected. Did you find it fresh, Erika?
[crosstalk 00:08:14] committing the pun?
Ah, interesting. That’s clever. Did you find it full of action?
I mean, I’m not big on action so I can’t really say, but I think most of the action was contained within a short, five or so minute window, near the very end of the film.
Yeah, I’m wondering what they’re definition of action is here. I mean, Frankie Muniz didn’t kill anyone in this film that we’re aware of, implied, there may have been some implied massacres.
Oh yeah, I think I would agree with that.
Maybe, I don’t know.
I mean, if we’re talking attempts, I think there was an attempt at funny too.
Okay, yeah, I’ll give them funny. I laughed at it, probably not the way they wanted. Would you say that it combined courage and challenges?
I mean, in the matter of speaking, there was a lot of … Was there a lot of courage? I don’t know. I think challenges were a real theme in the film.
Oh yes.
And coming from unexpected angles. If we take a close look at the film, Frankie, excuse me, Justin wasn’t the only one facing challenges.
Which is actually something I kind of liked about the movie, I’m going to say. I liked the fact that everybody was broken in this film. Literally everyone. Maybe the reporters, they were maybe not broken, but of course lamestream media, so you know, they’re probably broken too. But I found it interesting just, “Would not let his physical challenge defeat him.” Did you feel like that was really part of the film?
It wasn’t. I mean, I think it was the narrative. The narrative was intended to be he wasn’t going to let this physical disability ruin his life. But ultimately, I think what we see play out in the film are that there are real limitations that he faces.
Yeah, he does face challenges, I suppose, that are tangentially connected. As well as he almost dies a few times, that’s a recurring…theme which I guess…It’s funny, but I think watching the film, I don’t know that I really saw the disability as being the thing he was really fighting in some ways. It seems like he was fighting a lot of attitudes and physical barriers and trying to understand his where he fits in the family.
We are doing a review of this film, but we are just two random people from Canada. So we don’t know anything. So we thought it would be important for us to go to the legitimate sources of film review, and as you can probably imagine, the reviews were, in the press, not great for this film, not well-loved. I think one of my favorite comments comes to us from David Kronke, not sure, sorry David, DK, as his friends call him. Anyway, he wrote on the LA Daily News this brilliant quote.
Jeff [doing a strange accent]:
“It could also be important for some children to see someone they respect so much playing a handicapped character. They might feel a little sympathy for the disabled, and understand that there are fewer differences between them than there might appear.”
What we noticed in a lot of the reviews for the film is this real desire to situate the value of the film, not in its ability to stand as a part, but rather as its functional purpose in normalizing disability to non-disabled people, but also a little bit about what to do about disability.
Just for anyone who might not know, something that really hit me about this quote is that, as you mentioned, DK themself, are not non-disabled, we presume, and so is Frankie Muniz. And this is something that I think really gives some shape to the film itself. Frankie Muniz, as far as we know, is not physically disabled. And I think we presume, having seen the film, that the writers and directors also, perhaps, don’t have a lot of lived real-world experience with physical disability, and we really see that in the film. So it’s interesting that this review is sort of setting this up as a story that’s maybe going to teach people, educate people, warm people up to this perhaps unfamiliar idea and experience of physical disability.
Yeah. It’s almost like they couldn’t just be like, “This movie is bad.” They were like, “Well, we should reward them for trying.”
But this professional review really resonates with those Amazon reviews. This is a recurring theme, that this is an educational film.
Erika, what was your favorite one that you read?
I think I’ll have to go with Gertrude Black’s five star review, Soap Box Derby, which reads, “I purchased this when my sons were participants in the local soap box derby. It was great inspiration for them. I have the trophy, magazine article, savings bond, and pictures to prove it.” So just, help me out with the interpretation of this, if I’m understanding correctly, Gertrude’s sons were in a soap box derby and were so moved by this film that they won a trophy.
And savings bond, they won money.
Someone wrote a magazine article about this win, and obviously there are pictures. But this movie was so moving, it was so moving.
Without this film, her sons would be destitute and poor right now.
What do you think that savings bond racked up to?
Honestly, I wonder. Did the savings bond get wiped out in the ’08 housing crisis? Did it survive that? Did it get wiped out in the start of the COVID financial crisis? I love it. I also love the idea that Gertrude is perhaps using films to inspire her sons in all of their tasks and she’s like, “Well, when they were getting ready for University, I got them that Matt Damon film, and they watched that. And now they know about apples and anger and they did great and now they’re Harvard grads, and I have the pictures and the educational debt to prove it.” Do we need to get more tactical with the disability movies? Why have we not made a movie about a disabled person during COVID? Because maybe that’s all it would take.
If there’s anyone out there working on it, we need to know.
Hollywood, you can have that one for free. That one’s on us, the next ones you’ve got to pay for. So I like that one, I also liked … There was one from presumably a completely real name, Gurgly Bidet. If that is a real name, and Gurgly, if you’re listening to this, shout out to you brother. Five stars Miracle in Lane Two, “This movie is one of my favorite movies. I can learn a lot from physically disabled peoples’ lives and I can see that everything is possible if we want. I will see it again and again, I like it.” “I can learn a lot from physically disabled peoples’ lives.”
I mean, I think that is the moral of this story.
Yes, we are educational tools, predominantly. That’s sort of what we’re here for. I love this … And this is going to come up a lot in our podcast, I love this narrative of anything is possible if you believe. And it’s like you can’t fly, it doesn’t matter how much you believe, you’re never going to be able to fly, you’re not a bird.
If we can dive into the film, there’s this question of wanting to play sports. And Justin, who I’m having a very hard time not calling Frankie, wants to … It’s not that he wants to play baseball per se, it’s that’s he wants to be an athletic superstar like his big brother. But we see this attempt to play baseball and realistically, he can’t play baseball. The question is asked, “How are you going to run the plates? How are you going to traverse the grassy outfield? Can you play baseball?” And maybe … I think that just kind of flies in the face of this idea that you can do anything you want if you just will it to be, you can overcome reality?
Yeah, and that just completely ignores, obviously, the actual experiences and challenges that people with disabilities face.
Right, that’s the challenge.
Yes. Or maybe this is actually disconnected totally, but it’s like, “Okay, disabled people, their lives are terrible, but what we can learn from them is that as a non-disabled person, I am a tremendously powerful and [inaudible 00:17:49] person, I can do whatever I want, and I should stop wasting my life.” This is that inspiration porn thing, right?
Yes. And I think we do catch a little bit of that in this film.
A little bit. There is one other review, I think, that stuck out to me on Amazon by Pandorafan685. It’s unclear if the rings or of, of course, the home of the Na’vi in the film Avatar. I assume there are hundreds of fans on both sides. Pandorafan685, five out of five stars, Good Filmmaking is the title, which is very suspect already. There are some typos in this, so I am going to try not to butcher this as I read, but … “Disney did a good thing shooting a movie about a wheelchair bound boy in Justin Yoder, based on a true story. I also liked the scenes when they are in courtroom deciding whether Justin should play baseball or not. I like how the mom always defends him because he’s handicapped and should have a right to play. This is a good movie.”
It’s a balanced critique.
I know, I like how he starts out as it’s like, “I’m glad that Disney did this.” And then he’s like, “I’m going to talk about the one very specific moment in the film for one sentence, and then I’m just going to wrap it up. In and out.”
I think Disney would appreciate this one, because they got the pat on the back that they were definitely looking for.
They went, “Finally!, Finally someone appreciated what we were doing with this film.”
I do have a couple questions about their “based on a true story,” and I want to note that in the intro to the film, I believe the text is, “Inspired by the life of…” I have some questions about the historical accuracy of this-
Inspired by the life of Justin Yoder. So for those of you who are listening, yes, there is a real human named Justin Yoder. But I wouldn’t say this is an exactly blow-by-blow as far as two Canadians have been able to ascertain. Justin, if you’re listening, call us. And that’s actually real, I’m not even being a dick right there. I’d love to be your friend, Justin, not because you’re inspiring.
I really want to know what Justin has to say about this film.
I would love to know what Justin has to say about this film. So we’ve looked in at what the fans have said, “fan” might be, I’m putting that in giant air quotes.
There are a lot of five reviews, these are fans.
Yeah, these are fans. Okay, these people loved it. There were a couple three out of fives, that also seemed to love it, I will say. They were like, “Eh, TV movie, but I loved it.” But this idea about who the film is for is a recurring theme in a lot of that. Is this movie for non-disabled people to learn about disability? Or is this film for disabled people to be inspired by the accomplishments of the disabled person? Where do you fall on the paradigm, Erika?
This is where I tend to fall in general on this whole discussion of disability narratives. I’m not sure it’s necessarily one or the other. I’m not even sure that this is really, at the end of the day, a film about disability.
Right? I think we’re going to see some big themes that are less about disability and more about humanity and life and death and everything that falls in between, and human interactions, and family dynamics. The family dynamics here are interesting, but [crosstalk 00:21:36] if I have to fit your mold, I’m going to go the narrative about I think it is more about inspiring than educating, and that is all that I can give you right now.
What’s fascinating is that a lot of the reviews seem to indicate that this is a movie for disabled people. They’re like, “Oh now, I would never watch this film, however, if you have a child with a disability, this is for them. Go and watch Miracle on Lane Two with your disabled child, that’s who this is for.”
And I find that fascinating that there’s this massive divide between what I think was the intended audience, which is I think to normalize disability. I think that’s what they were trying to do. And that’s totally not how people have seen it. Even our old friend DK, at the LA Daily News, he was like, “This might be an important film for disabled people.” This might be good for them to watch.
I don’t know if this is the point at which we get to dive into where they went wrong if their intent was to educate, but I do think we have to talk about the way that disability is constructed in this film.
The good news is that this film is actually really straight forward and open about how it feels about disability. It doesn’t really hide anything. In fact, I think the best way to understand the politics of this film is to actually listen to the opening monologue. I cannot stress this enough. This is the opening monologue of the film, in which Justin, sitting in his bedroom, watching his able-bodied brother, Seth, play basketball, begins to lament about his life, and then eventually goes and has a nice conversation with God in heaven about everything that is wrong with his body. Take a listen.
Justin Clip:
In this living room, if Seth is perfect, then I’m special. Which is my all-time least-favorite word. It’s how people say they don’t expect much from a kid in a wheelchair. God, are you listening? God? God?
God Clip:
Who’s there?
Justin Clip:
I thought you knew everything.
God Clip:
I don’t like being tested.
Justin Clip:
Justin Ross Yoder.
God Clip:
Why are you here?
Justin Clip:
I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I think when you made me you messed up.
God Clip:
I don’t make mistakes.
Justin Clip:
Well, somebody sure did. I mean, look at me.
God Clip:
You look fine.
Justin Clip:
Fine? I’m 12 years old and already had 24 major surgeries. My legs are linguine. I have more stitches in my head than a baseball.
God Clip:
What do you want me to do about it?
Justin Clip:
Isn’t it obvious? Fix me! Make a miracle! I mean, you still do miracles don’t you?
Do a miracle. And ideally, a miracle that is in an area where vehicles travel, perhaps a lane or a pathway would be fantastic.
Not the main one, but the secondary one.
I think the fact this movie starts right off the bat, right off the hop, talking about Justin’s disability as he’s looking out this window forlorn, looking at his sporting brother playing, “My brother’s perfect and I am but a broken special child who was not made right with my linguine legs and my stitches in my head.” Defining disability seems to be a really important part of this text. How do they define disability in this film?
Leaky. Wet, very wet. I think we later learn that the apparent diagnosis is Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus and we hear a lot about the Hydrocephalus because this fluid-filled head could burst at any moment, bringing on death. And that’s a big theme here that our hero, Justin … Is he the hero? Antihero?
… That he could burst at any time. That he is living under the shadow of imminent death, he is broken, not made right-
A mistake. Although God says, “I don’t make mistakes.” But I think we, as the audience, are supposed to kind of agree with Justin, “What the heck?” But this is the journey, this is the journey the movie is going to try and take us on is that we are going to learn through Justin that he’s not broken, that he’s not a mistake, that he is special, I guess, but that it’s all part of God’s plan. If you didn’t know, there is a religious undertone (overtone?), central thesis in this film. And there’s a reason for that, I think, which we’ll discuss later.
But it feels like the medicine doctors, science, seems to be essential roles here in terms of defining who Justin is. His diagnosis proceeds him everywhere he goes.
It’s virtually all that we know about him. I mean, we don’t know anything about Justin’s social … Outside of his family, we don’t know, we never meet Justin’s friends, we don’t meet his teachers, we meet his physician.
Yeah, we meet his doctor.
That’s it, and God. He has a relationship with God and a relationship with his family, and that is virtually all we know about Justin other than his very leaky body.
Yeah, it’s almost like this weird … It’s like every time he meets a new character, he reveals a new thing about his body, like his body is him, that is his life, there’s nothing outside. I find it fascinating that we meet his brother’s friends. His brother maybe has a girlfriend, maybe it’s just a woman who’s a friend, and then there’s this other boy that is sort of around his brother for some reason. We meet his brother’s baseball team, we meet all of these people in his brother’s life and we never meet anyone in Justin’s life.
Except for the villain in the movie who he links up with eventually.
Right, Justin does make a friend. Disability, then, seems to be very much situated within the body that this is a kid who’s entire life circles, it orbits. And that seems to be kind of the center of his family in some ways too.
The concerns about Justin himself? Or the concerns about the medical aspects of Justin?
I would say both, I think, in some ways. Early on in the film there’s this scene where he has a bit of a headache and it’s like, “Drop everything, get him to the hospital.” Everything seems to kind of orbit the needs of Justin.
And fascinating in that scene, Justin is not being heard. Justin is trying to tell the family that this is not an emergency, but everybody is so locked in their routine to save Justin’s fragile medical life that they can’t hear Justin telling them that he’s fine.
Right, being like, “No, this is just a headache, I’m fine.” Yeah. And even both the parents are working long hours to pay for medical bills. In a scathing indictment on the payment of academic professors in this world, the father is both a STEM teacher, he teaches in STEM, but has to work as a house painter to pay for the medial bills. And the mom’s hours and even the brother, eventually, will then sort of break down in the ways in which his relationship with the family is driven by Justin’s medical fragility.
Is it worth noting that the brother, himself, also has some kind of undisclosed invisible mental health disability something? It’s not the center point, it’s apparently not as expensive, although he is going to therapy, it sounds like, weekly.
Yeah, and drinking bottles of medicine, like straight from the bottle, for his what I assume is erectile dysfunction. It’s unclear. It has something to do with his tummy.
I believe he describes it as, “Matters that are like baseball.”
Yes, so like a stick and balls being erect.
Scoring bases.
Yes, yes. I think the movie is probably implying that he has some sort of anxiety disorder.
In either case, it is very much about emotions, very much about his emotions.
Absolutely. And doesn’t really get any play. In a lot of ways, it’s like, “Well you’re fine, Justin’s not. His physical needs are far more important than you psycho-social needs.” So I think one of the things that, as we said earlier, a really contentious moment in many of these films are what I’m going to call the Yoder fantasies. So Justin Yoder often daydreams throughout the film, he has these sort of fantasies. So we made notes on all of the ways in which Justin kind of fantasizes, and what the outcomes of all of those fantasies are. And the film actually starts with a fantasy scene in a very relevant moment.
So I think they’re at … Is it a grandparent? Great Uncle?
A Great Uncle? I think it said Great Uncle.
Yeah, so they’re in a church, at a funeral. There’s a religious figure talking about the life of the deceased and Justin goes into this wondering, “What would they say at my funeral? What would my funeral be like?”
As one does at a funeral.
But the anxiety is, “Nobody would have anything to say about me, what would they say about me?” There’s nothing to say about me. The only thing that anyone knows about me is my fancy, Quickie manual wheelchair.
Yeah, there’s this monologue from the preacher, right? Who’s going on about all of the sweet add-ons to the wheelchair. Which I am going to contest. I do not see offensive wings anywhere on that wheelchair. I think that is completely made up and shame on you. But it’s funny, it’s like immediately he, number one, as a child, a 12-year-old is thinking about his own death which we’ve been primed to understand that death is a part of his life, it’s lurking around every corner. But at the same time, shout out to this film in some ways. I think it’s actually a really clever fantasy here, to be like, “People don’t see me. I’m just a wheelchair, the wheelchair is the best part of me that people see.” And that that’s not true. Even if it is literally the first scene in the movie, second scene, they’re like getting ready for the funeral in the first scene and then they immediately are at the funeral and he’s dreaming about the sweet release of death.
You know where the fantasy ends, is where he actually … So it’s all in his head until he vocalizes, “What about me?”
Yes, at the funeral. Which, hilarious for one. That’s something I’m going to start yelling at every funeral during the eulogy. And this is what then sets off the journey. This is the hero’s journey, is for Justin Yoder to become more than his wheelchair. You know what, I actually think I now agree, I think this is a battle against his physical impairment. But if he wants to beat the wheelchair as being the most important thing about him.
And the vehicle that he chooses-
Is another wheelchair.
It’s through sportsdom. It’s through ultimate achievement of athletics as embodied by Seth, his virulent but-
Erectily troubled brother.
More subtly fragile brother who has a supreme collection of trophies. I have a fair few trophies myself, but this is unlike anything I have ever seen before.
This man has won every sporting competition in America since the 1980s, all of them.
Since before he born.
Yeah, he was winning trophies in utero for sure.
Although I don’t know about that because mom, we learn, doesn’t … Her sports knowledge is quite lacking. I believe he argues something about a touchdown at a baseball-
Right. Yeah, because she’s a woman, right? So sports don’t work in women’s brains. We all know that, that’s just truth.
The gender stereotypes in this depiction are strong.
Oh yeah. Yeah, if nothing else, Disney is like, “There are two genders and we know everything about them.”
And they know nothing about each other.
Right, so they are completely divorced from each other and they only tolerate each other insofar as sexual relation. Procreation is a part of it, but this movie is actually pretty pro-sex.
I mean, again with the under overtones, they are there. But there is no sex.
No. Unfortunately, the movie does not have any hardcore pornographic moments, unfortunately.
They are alluded to. There is the strawberry massage oil in the bedside table.
Yup, absolutely. And his parents do try to bang on the kitchen table?
But they can’t, because they are too busy making money-
They’re interrupted, literally.
-To cover Justin’s medical bills.
Oh yeah. Let’s put a pin in that one. Because those are really more our fantasies, as opposed to Justin’s fantasies.
Right, Justin’s fantasies.
Right, yes. So he has these sports fantasies, he fantasizes about his sportsdom.
So the sports one that I remember, did you remember this one? He’s picturing himself playing baseball. It’s like a bases are loaded, crowd going wild, dark night lit by stadium lighting, and he’s in the outfield waiting to catch this ball or I should say, the ball is waiting for him to catch it.
Because the ball hangs in the air as he gets out to it.
Yeah. The rules of Justin’s fantasy life are confusing, I am confused. Because he has the power to control the ball so that he can wheel to get to the ball. And honestly, shout out for them not eliminating his wheelchair in his fantasies. That is a common thing in films, where they’re like, “Of course he would fantasize that he could walk.” And that’s not Justin’s fantasies, Justin’s fantasies are really about a world that kind of bends around him in the way that he is. Which, dare I say, this movie might be kind of progressive accidentally. So he can control the ball, but he can’t make his wheelchair go easy in the grass. Or, he doesn’t fantasize about himself being muscular and ripped. We never see Frankie Muniz in an athlete body in any of these fantasies.
I don’t know, I think what we see is it’s not that he wants to play ball, it’s not that he wants to be good at ball, it’s that he wants to accomplish the quintessential act that will earn him the symbolic trophy.
Right. Yeah, it’s the win that he wants.
It’s the win.
And he doesn’t want to change for it.
I don’t know though, because he asks God to fix him.
That’s true, that is true. And then we have the legal fantasies. The legal fantasies are I guess I’m team family court, what are you? Are you team family court? Or are you anti-family court?
I was kind of neutral in the family court. It didn’t bother me. It fit in well with the other fantasy scenes that we have appearing throughout. They moved the plot along, they enable some grappling with topics that we might not have otherwise seen come through. I thought the jury composed of 10 or so different couples of the parents was a bit of a stretch, but …
I liked how it showed two different but also kind of familiar archetypes of disability parents. They showed this dynamic in which Justin’s parents, the mom and the dad, are not actually totally aligned on what’s best for Justin, and what Justin needs.
And then we get this … I don’t actually know the dad’s politics, that’s a little bit less clear, but the mom’s politics are really clear. What she thinks is best for Justin is abundantly clear, and that is inclusion. This is that fierce disability mom, the special needs mom that we hear so much about, where it’s like, “My son-”
Well, Justin even calls her … He describes her as the grizzly bear.
Yeah, right, that she’s going to maul anybody that gets in the way and that the most important part is that her son is included, inclusion.
Because sports are for fun, she says. And the thing that we learn about Dad is that Dad is sportsman, but Dad has renounced sports because Justin can’t play. So what Dad really wants … And we see this as his enthusiasm for soap box derby picks up, what dad really wants is for Justin to have the authentic sporting experience.
To be a sporting man, yeah. Yeah, so he wants authentic inclusion, whereas the mother seems to want more participatory inclusion.
Yup, totally.
And the final fantasy, the reason that I first messaged Erika and was like, “We have to do this film, we have to,” because it has one of my favorite scenes in a film that I maybe have ever seen. That’s going to change as we do this. As we do this podcast, I’m going to come to new favorites. So tell us about the end of the movie, Erika.
How to begin to describe this scene? I wish I could recall, and we might have to go back and look at this … What is the prompt? What does Justin say to God that prompts God-
So I know this.
You know this?
I actually know this.
Okay, what is it?
Everything is wrapped up, the movie is basically over, and Justin realizes he’s a champion now, he’s won soap box. So he connects with God one last time. And because this is a movie about death, he’s like, “Hey God, what is it like in heaven?” Like, “What is heaven like?”
And God, who does not make mistakes…
And so then, God’s like, “Well let me show you.” And I can’t describe it without dying and seeing it. And Frankie Muniz, Justin, describes it as perfect. What is perfect heaven?
Perfect heaven for Frankie/Justin is everyone in manual wheelchairs tinged in gold with giant flopping angel wings.
Just zooming around.
Zooming around, looking as angelic as you could imagine. Perfect, it’s perfect.
Okay, let’s take a step back here. Here’s what I want to know. What are the rules of heaven in this world?
Well I’m just wondering, is it that you are physically disabled on arrival? Or is that only physically disabled people get into heaven?
This is the question, the existential question of this film, does God disable you when you arrive in heaven and put you in an angel wheelchair? Or the more militant interpretation, only disabled people go to heaven? Or, are there multi-heavens in which the disabled go to the disabled heaven, the non-disabled go to the non-disabled heaven, and Seth goes to erectile dysfunction heaven?
I think this conversation might be it’s own podcast, but I think the most salient point here is that we have reached the culmination of this film, it’s utmost message, which is Justin is perfect.
Yeah, perfect as he is.
Now the real question is, is he perfect because he has now achieved his trophy?
Well yes. See, he was flawed before. He was going to hell because God only likes winners.
I mean, he’s a champion race car driver.
Yeah, this seems to be the message. Okay, we have to talk about sex. We have to. Because we have come too far.
Because Disney wasn’t going to, so someone has to.
But Disney does talk about sex. What is amazing to me about this film is ostensibly, it is for children, but there are overt references to sex. Like, his parents are written as sexual beings.
I think the first thing that we see, Dad comes in the front door, Mom’s on the phone, and they have this sort of quick romp in the front hallway.
Yeah, before a funeral.
You may be wondering why we keep referencing strawberry lube. And that is because there is a scene in this film where Justin Yoder discovers the strawberry “massage oil” in the bedside table of his parent’s bedroom.
I am not a sex therapist, I am not a registered massage therapist. But it seems to be the only reason you would want a flavored massage oil is if you were going to consume said massage oil. Is that an accurate take?
I mean, there’s got to be something to be said for the olfactory experience.
It wasn’t scented though. It was strawberry flavored.
I mean, flavor is … Yeah. I mean, you can’t contest that, nope.
This was clearly a sex lube joke in a children’s show.
Oh yeah.
And if it were just on it’s own, let’s say dad was a massage therapist, and happened to have a collection of massage oils, that’s not the case. We have flirty parents who are-
Constantly trying to bang, perpetually.
But are they actually sleeping together? Because I think we see them, they’re trying to, they want to, they have made kids. But there seems to be this obstacle.
Right. Yeah, they’re always being interrupted. They’re always interrupted by the disabled kid. It’s like, “Who will win? Two horny parents or one wheely boy?” And the answer is the wheely boy is supreme.
Perfection prevails.
Yeah, he is perfect in his absolute desexualizing self.
Is there something here about the religious overtone and the abstinence?
That’s a really interesting question, because I feel as an audience, we are supposed to feel for the parents, like we want the parents to be just mating all the time. And we want them to have that. But Justin, his differences, his specials, makes that just not really possible. But I think we’re supposed to want it though.
I think it kind of also helps us tap into this impaired masculinity that is a commonality between, I think, all of the men in this film.
Yeah, so let’s talk about how a film about little penis cars go down a road. I will say, the film informs us that some people believe the soap box derby racers with the black tips go faster. Unconfirmed if that’s true or not.
Completely unnecessary comment. When that comment is thrown out, there are no black tips to be seen.
No. And Justin Yoder does not have a black-tipped car. So it’s not true. The color of your car does not necessarily impact the performance. What if we look at this film through the lens of gender masculinity?
I mean, this is your wheelhouse, but this is a quest for a trophy. It’s a literal quest for a trophy.
Right, the basis of the movie is … It’s almost like a Cain and Abel story, sort of, where it’s super God sport athlete brother who has friends, and all of these phallic trophies, and then loser beta brother who wants to be a man and win trophies, or steal trophies.
Oh yeah, because he doesn’t have to earn it, he would happily just give his hand. He will lie, he will cheat, he will steal, as long as he gets the trophy.
Possession of the trophy is what matters. But if possession of the trophy validates him in the way that his brother Seth has been repeatedly validated as the holder of the [inaudible 00:48:46].
I was surprised to find out a bit later in the film that Dad also was an athlete.
Also, holder of trophies.
Not just a STEM professor painter.
Slash house painter.
Also, former holder of trophies. But he has renounced his athleticism in the name of … I guess, is he trying to be on Justin’s level? He doesn’t … Because this is the tension with Seth and Dad, older brother and Dad, is that Dad hasn’t participated in this athletic lifestyle with Seth. He has to sit it out because Justin can’t participate and he can’t be there for Seth if he can’t be there for Justin in the exact, precise same way.
Yeah, there’s like this guilt. Like if he engages with Seth’s proper masculinity, it forces an acknowledgement of the improper masculinities of Justin, that he’s not a winner, he doesn’t possess the phallus. Is this about guilt in creating? Does the father … Is the necessary punishment of birthing an inadequate male, the punishment is that he then is also not a male? Is he contaminated by … Because that is the fruit of his loins, this disabled child, and therefore he has to give it up. And he also has to relinquish Seth, but as Seth can’t be the son anymore because he produced a faulty product.
Right, I think then the mission of his life becomes rehabilitating this impaired son. His only chance at redemption is to fix the son.
Right, to be able to reclaim, to get back the power of masculinity. So the brother is a big part of this film, obviously. The interaction … Sort of the interaction with Seth and Justin is one thing, but more so, it’s this interaction with Seth and the family and the ways in which his athletic achievements are no longer being validated because Justin now is into racing soap box cars. But the brother also has problems. So as we said earlier, he is now seeing a doctor for reasons that we do not know, and he’s guzzling non-descript medicine.
I think it’s Pepto because of his stomach issues.
Interesting. But it’s a medical bottle, this is not over the counter Pepto. This is the real … This is medical grade.
Antacid? Is it an antacid?
Antacid, yeah, maybe. Yeah, it’s odd. Whatever it is, apparently there’s no dosage. Because he just slugs it like it’s a bottle of whiskey. What is it about these films that seem to always position the disabled person in juxtaposition with the hyper athletic and hyper performative sibling, whether it’s a brother or a sister?
Is it the contrast? Like is this part of defining disability as lack or as other?
It’s like a desire? Literally in this film, Justin literally desires to be sad.
I have a beef, and maybe it’s a beef or a confusion. So we started this film and Justin is gazing out on the driveway basketball court, flat pavement surface.
Mm-hmm (affirmative). And a Paralympic sport.
Right, fabulous. So it makes sense when we see the baseball fantasy, you know, we’ve got grass, it’s tough to traverse in a chair with a glove on, that much makes sense. But why can’t he be out there playing ball in the driveway?
Yeah, with his brother.
And his dad. Later in the film, we see the dad and the brother reunited and they are, once again, on this flat plane of a driveway playing ball, which Justin explains that his legs are linguine but his arms are kind of ambiguous. His arms seem to function well most of the time. But occasionally, he is acting some kind of hand gesture.
Some sort of spinal cord injury.
Yes. I mean, he does enough with his hands in the film to suggest I think he could hold a basketball.
Yeah, and probably throw one, probably. Yeah, and note also that the brother literally plays every sport. So we hear that he is a baseball star, we see him play basketball, he wins the league or something at soccer. This kid is playing every sport and dominating at every sport, just crushing it. And Justin wants to live … He lives through that a little bit, he talks about Seth pushing him around for a victory lap when his brother wins. So he gets to kind of earn some of that or feel some of that pleasure of masculine conquest. But he wants the real thing, it’s like not a good enough hit for him.
The moment that that starts is when his brother, instead of taking him on a victory lap, is gallivanting with a woman.
Right, absolutely, yeah. He’s like showing off to this ambiguous woman character, who I do not believe has a line in the film.
Is she the same blonde friend?
From the beginning, yeah. I’m 90% sure.
Yeah, if she is the same one I think they might have had some dialogue when they were roaming through the neighborhood. And then there’s also the outburst scene when Justin calls out that his brother is crazy, that he’s going to a shrink, and that he’s crazy, cuckoo, nutso, he just unleashes everything…rawr…
Right, exactly, he’s like, “Well my legs don’t work, well his brain doesn’t work,” right in front of the girl, because she is there, right, when that happens.
Yeah, he has to humiliate him. It’s like I can’t get to the Zenith of masculinity so now I need to pull you down into the sad castration land of the man without the phallus.
Now another thing that I’ve noticed, I’ve noticed this in a lot of films, particularly about physical disability. I think it has to do with masculinity, I believe, is that Justin Yoder, throughout this film, is just bursting with fluid. This is a goopy dude who just does not have control of his fluids. He’s got water in his brain, he makes reference to losing control of his bowels, he makes a lot of references to bladder problems. He is just this leaky, fluidy boy. And I wonder how much of this is about contamination. It’s that anxiety, not just that Justin might die, but that idea that Justin’s body is just seeping out on everybody. And I think fluid and masculinity, there is certainly a connection I would say. A seminal connection, if you will.
You seem to have glossed over the blue vomit scene?
Yes. Literally bursting with fluids. Oh man. I’m assuming that vomit scene, I think they probably thought that would play with the gross funny. This guy is just fluidy, super fluidy. And that seems to be a problem. Like literally, there’s the problem of his life. But there’s a lot of times where his bowels and his bladder comes into it with just no connection or context.
Yeah, the other connection that it’s just bringing me back to is when the race car driver, not in a God fantasy, but in real life, visits him in the hospital when he finally does burst with fluids. Race car driver visits him in the hospital and picks up his bed pan as a steering wheel and then takes it as a souvenir.
Which he definitely pooped in.
Oh yeah.
There is no way.
Think also, when the family comes in and he tells them that the famous race car driver has taken his bed pan, there’s sort of a bashful moment of, “Oh yeah, by the way, can someone call the nurse?”
Right, like, “Also, I still have more fluids that I need to get out of my body.” Why did he not try to win a trophy for biggest poop?
I have a question about this leakiness. How are these fluids different from the tears that his brother ultimately sheds? Because I do believe his brother is the only one that we actually see cry.
Yeah, that’s true.
I think Vic, who we haven’t really talked about, but Vic, our sort of villain turned family member.
Vic talks about sadness following the loss of his child and-
Entire family.
But yeah, it was the brother that we do eventually see burst into tears. And that just seems like that those fluids are treated differently.
Yeah, I think part of it is control. I think control is another thing that’s running under this. Things that Justin cannot control, things that Seth can and cannot control as well, that seems to be a big part of this narrative, right? Like the ways in which Justin is not at fault, and the ways in which Seth perhaps gets to a point where he also is seen as blameless in his erectile dysfunction.
But the thing with … I guess Justin’s leakiness is Justin. That is how we know Justin, he is a leaky boy.
He’s just a moist boy.
But Seth, Seth has this on lock. No one is to know what these secret doctor’s appointments are about. He has a stomach ache, he does not have any kind of emotional issues. He doesn’t even have emotions because he is sport.
And as the famous film quote goes, “Winners never shiver.” He’s in control.
The famous quote?
Yeah, it’s Werner Herzog. That is probably a very niche reference.
Well, this might be the right demographic.
Maybe, our friends and family specifically.
Specifically your friends and family.
That’s who’s listening to this, I assume. Hello family.
Hello friends.
Thank you for caring for my leaky body. Don’t have a brother, but my sister has a lot of trophies, maybe they were right. What I didn’t have growing up was a villainous black man who eventually became my best friend. This is, of course, the character Vic. And I think we need to talk about Vic.
Child hating is a descriptor that you have left out.
Oh sorry, yes, hates children. And is feared. At the beginning of this movie, he is feared by the townsfolk. Right, is that what I would say? I think that’s accurate.
Oh absolutely. He’s this mythical figure that supposedly kills children or murders someone.
Yeah, he’s a murderer for sure. But also is very concerned about hooligans in his neighborhood, specifically the children hooligans. Don’t believe me? Take a listen to how Vic is introduced at the start of this film.
Justin Clip:
I’m in a good town with friendly neighbors, with one major exception. Old man Vic.
Vic Clip:
You hooligans are going to get somebody killed.
Justin Clip:
Who is all alone, hates kids.
Vic is a complicated character. At the start of the movie, he does not want to get involved. He is literally the villain. But eventually Justin discovers that he can access a trophy through Vic, either by stealing one of Vic’s trophies from his garage or maybe, if Vic will take him under his wing, to learn the ways of the box.
So Vic eventually takes Justin under his wing, they form a relationship, at which point we are informed that Vic has lost his entire family. That his daughter drowned?
Died swimming.
Swimming accident.
And then the wife, I think, died of a broken heart, I think is the … implication?
Yes, the doctor’s called it many things, but he’s convinced that it was a broken heart.
It was a broken heart, classic, absolutely. Is this a prequel to Star Wars? And Vic himself wanted to die.
He didn’t have the courage.
Yeah, he had contemplated ending his life, but he didn’t have the strength to do it. And so he lives as a villain, an angry man taking care of cars. He’s into rare cars, sports cars if you will, and swears off soap box.
This is how they meet. They meet because villain Vic is in a car show and Justin sees an opportunity to co opt this trophy.
Right, yeah, so Justin makes this deal. He’s like, “I will help you win the car show by being the pathetic wheelchair boy, and in exchange you will let me have the trophy of the car show.”
He is like, “Yes.” And then Justin gets impatient and tries to steal a trophy and ruins Vic’s prize possession sports car in the process. And I don’t think we can look past the symbolism of the sports car.
Yes, Justin Yoder breaks into his garage and destroys his sports car. And that is the birth of a beautiful friendship.
A beautiful friendship that inspires Vic to become a new person.
Yeah, it’s like as Justin is learning how to be a soap boxy derbier, because apparently Vic is like the Dale Earnhardt of soap box, this guy knows it all. He’s like, “Oh yeah, the instructions tell you to make it this way, but that’s wrong, because soap box derby is a lot like nuclear physics.” And Vic is the Oppenheimer of his text. So it’s ostensibly Justin learning from him. But of course, this is a family movie, old Vic has got to learn a lesson as well.
And what lesson does he learn? We have an audio clip for this one.
Yeah, roll it.
If I may.
Vic Clip:
I wanted to die, but I just didn’t have the courage, just crawled up into a ball and forgot to care. I was doing pretty good too, until you come busting into my garage.
Justin Clip:
I’m sorry.
Vic Clip:
Sorry, that’s the best thing that could have happened to me.
Justin Clip:
Vic Clip:
Yeah. I got to know you, see what you’re going through, how you just keep going. You got me and my car back up and on the road again.
And now Vic is ready. He’s overcome his feminine emotions and he’s ready to be a man again. But that was the piece of him that was broken that needed to be fixed. It’s funny, too, because at the end of the film, Justin’s dad tries to hug him and he’s like, “A handshake will suffice,” because I’m a man again.
And then shortly thereafter they are out on the freeway, he has decided he will no longer be towing his red sports car around, he is ready to drive it, and he’s got his convertible, hot woman in another convertible is checking him out on the highway. Confirmation that this masculinity has been restored fully.
Oh yeah. Vic and that woman, 100% met up in a truck stop, they got out the strawberry lube, and then Justin interrupted them.
He had not yet-
I think that was a deleted scene.
He had not yet achieved his trophy at perfection.
No, he had not fully achieved. So no one is getting laid until Justin gets laid.
So when we get into the soap boxing … Soap boxing? That’s what they call it, right?
Yeah, the suds. When they get into the suds.
When he first starts the sport, there is this extreme celebration over the fact that he finishes. It’s like … That is definitely not what he was in it for.
Survival was a huge accomplishment.
Yes, and then he goes on to win the national trophy. He wins it all against a woman. Most of the people he races against are women, I will also note.
Yes, which is interesting because what do we know about the sport? Have there been female champions in this sport?
Because I’m now a sud head, like everyone else, I actually did look this up and there are female winners, 100%. I will say, the year that Justin Yoder competed there were no women that won that year.
Justin must have won.
So that’s a fun thing about that, is because according to their website, Justin Yoder has never won a national championship of the All American Soap Box Derby.
You’re telling me that a novice joined the sport and didn’t win in his first competition?
Yeah. Oh also, we should also point out for our listeners who have not seen the movie, he only makes the nationals because someone has to drop out.
But he lost to that person because of his leaky malfunction.
Yeah, he had a disability, a leaky moment, and ends up in the hospital. So as far as I know, Justin did not win a national championship. Justin Yoder, if that’s wrong, come and fight me, and we will prove that we are both real men. So the movie ends in triumph. He wins the championship, which he didn’t.
We’re re-writing history here, so go with it.
I’m going with what I read on the internet. And if I’ve learned anything about the internet, it is that it is 100% true. But the movie inspired by, not based on, Justin wins, Vic becomes a man again, Justin’s dad and brother figure out their relationship, they’re now besties again. And that’s it. Are you inspired?
Were you inspired?
I mean, did I for a moment consider whether or not I could take over the soap box industry? The thought crossed my mind. I would say no, I was not inspired. I’m sorry.
I think I was maybe slightly … I don’t know if inspired is the right word. But I did kind of appreciate the … I appreciated that this ultimately ended up being a story about Justin learning to accept himself.
I will fully agree with you, from a disability politics perspective, I actually didn’t hate this movie. Even if it was completely ham handed most of the time.
Yeah. I mean, when you have someone telling someone else’s story, presumably without consulting the protagonist, despite their brief cameo.
It’s unclear how involved Justin Yoder was in the making. Yeah, they don’t cure Justin Yoder, he wins the medal, I think he has to win. I feel like if he didn’t win people would be upset. Because the real story of Justin Yoder is that the brake that is invented, the Justin brake, that is a real thing. And that literally is a thing in soap box now. He does have a mechanism named after him. But that’s not exactly made for TV movie material.
No, and it was … Unfortunately, that was quite down-played. There was a good bit of a scene where the brother, interestingly, kind of inexplicably, because the brother does not strike me as the type who was so politically engaged that he was going to be the one to come up with the strategy to call the media to ensure that this hand brake was allowed to be used despite very strict soap box rules that regulate the construction of soap boxes and only allow a foot brake.
Yeah, feet only.
[Theme Music] Hip hop beat from “Hard Out Here For a Gimp” by Wheelchair Sports Camp
So we felt it would be remiss of us to not talk a little bit about some of the very strange little things we’ve learned about this film in production of this podcast. Because of course it is not just about watching the films, but rather it’s about digging in and trying to find out what, if anything, we can find out about the film. And we actually did find some interesting things about it.
So one of the things we wanted to keep track of is what brands of disability equipment are present within these films. So for those of you who are wondering, I’m sure you are, Justin Yoder’s wheelchair in Miracle in Lane Two is a Quickie brand wheelchair, so that is one notch for Quickie. And I also was thrilled to see in the credits, there is a wheelchair consultant credited in this film, a Barbara C. Adside. Now why Justin Yoder was not their wheelchair consultant, I don’t know. It seems like you had one in house. After all, he does appear at the end of the film. What does a wheelchair consultant do, Erika? Do you have any idea?
I mean, I think your question about why it wasn’t Justin is rather on the nose, because if we already have someone involved in the telling of this story who is rather expert at wheelchair use, why are we hiring an outsider? But on the flip side, if we’re writing and directing a film, folks who have no insider knowledge about the world of wheelchairs, I suppose there are … We need someone who can talk about the logistics of chairs and fields, for instance.
Like how to push it maybe? I wonder if this is like an OT. I wonder if Barbara C. Adside is like an Occupational Therapist or something who was like, “Okay, this is where you get the chair, this is what it looks like, here’s how you push it.”
Oh, so you think it’s more about acquiring it and using it rather than … I was thinking about the translating it into reality into the film.
Okay, this is like the dramaturge for Frankie Muniz, he has his own wheelchair person maybe. He’s like, “Oh no, I’ve got a woman … I’ve got a person for this very role. She’ll really help me work through it.”
Of all people, Justin’s pastor came up with the concept for this film, I believe wrote the film.
Wrote it, and was involved in directing.
So there’s a factoid for you.
His pastor, which to me means he wrote himself into the film. Because the pastor at the beginning of the film at the funeral.
Yeah, so there’s a real life connection. And another interesting real life parallel is that Justin Yoder’s dad is, in fact, a college professor in deaf community. Does he teach ASL?
Teaches ASL I believe.
I found that rather fascinating that on the whole, we’ve agreed this film has some troubling plots, perhaps representations, and so this was a factoid that really shocked me, that there were disability or deaf community actors here. And this just raised a lot of questions for me about what was their involvement in the film? Were they consulted? Was the family, was Justin consulted or part of the film? Or simply the subject of the film and not really invited to participate beyond that?
Yeah, if you look online and read, there’s actually an article about his father talking about the importance … His real father, not the man who plays his father in the film, the real Father Yoder, he talks about the importance of deaf culture and protecting deaf culture, and trying to bridge the hearing world and the deaf world, and really advocating for deaf people, deaf culture, particularly within the church. And it was at that church that they met the two writers of the film. And it’s interesting, since the Yoder family are actually this kind of activist family, or at least advocate. They are trying to raise the voices of lots of disabled people. And Justin seems to do that as well. There’s not a lot on the internet about Justin Yoder, but it does appear that he continues to try to speak out for acceptance of disability, I would say. Which is kind of cool.
I almost wonder if they told the wrong Yoder story. I wonder if there’s actually some more interesting things going on in the family that soap box derby is maybe actually just one slice of a broader narrative of acceptance, inclusion, thinking about disability not as a revolting other, but rather as an other that we should be accepting as opposed to fixing, rejecting, changing.
Yeah, and it’s unfortunate, then, that that’s not the story that got told here.
So final thoughts. Erica, Miracle in Lane Two, what does it mean?
I definitely don’t want to give this film more credit than it deserves.
It is all kinds of problematic. I’m quite disappointed in some of the significant oversights as I’ve already expressed my frustrations with why is Justin watching people play basketball from his bedroom window when he seemingly is perfectly capable of playing basketball? It tells us something about who created the film and what imagination drove the creation of this film that we see those kinds of oversights. I do … Ultimately I feel okay about the sort of underlying story of self-acceptance, but for me, that glimmer of hope was very much shrouded by the sap, the very thick sap that, I think, said a lot more about the people creating the film than its supposed audience. Whether we believe that the supposed audience were the disabled in need of inspiration or the non-disabled in need of education.
Yeah, at the end of the day, Yoder has to win in a non-disabled place in order to be seen as valuable. That is the overcometh that happens. He couldn’t go and join the Paralympics, that wouldn’t have been enough, that’s not the trophy he wanted.
Absolutely. But I will say, in sort of maybe some credit … Again, I don’t know why I’m trying to give this movie credit, there is perhaps some credit due in the fact that they didn’t force him into the baseball. He didn’t go and play baseball just for fun. He found a sport where he didn’t have to change who he was to participate, he got to be himself and he won the trophy.
Absolutely. And if we were to take a theoretical take, what do you think … Not the politics, but what do you think is the ideology of Miracle in Lane Two.
I mean, kind of summarizing … If I could summarize what we’ve covered in as few words as possible, I saw a narrative of this phallic trophy masculinity life, threatened by, pursued by this disability as death.
Yeah, like it’s not just the loss of the phallus, it’s like the death of the phallus.
And for the procreative possibility to die en route.
All the death.
All the death.
What’s your theoretical take?
I feel … I think that this film, it treads a lot of the typical physical disability tropes. Like the feelings of inadequacy, the feelings of wanting to be included but not being included. And the idea that the focus of the person is the body, caring for the body, trying not to lose the body, trying not to die. And knowing that that might be inevitable anyways. So while I think it does some good things, which perhaps is actually a credit to the Yoder family … And maybe the good stuff in this film is actually the influence of the Yoder family and what was kind of observed in them, the way that they operated, talk, and that kind of thing. It’s interesting, to me, that the film still had to cling to that kind of … He still had to overcome, there was still that drive, they couldn’t let it go. He had to win at the end of the day.
So I wonder how much of this is about performance of normative activity is the pathway to acceptance for disabled people, that disabled culture is not the direction. You should not lean into your disability, but rather you should force yourself into the normative world.
100%, I feel that. My question is, is that a conscious objective of this film? Or is that the sort of subconscious leaking into the attempt to create a film that’s going to sell?
I think so. And I don’t even know if the idea was to sell. I think part of this was a desire to heroicize Justin Yoder. I feel like one of the intentions was to share the story about the special boy. I think that that was a driver to show this fun family who are doing great things despite the challenges they face.
But to retell the story in a way that he wins …
Yeah, to give him what he didn’t have.
Or to give him what the filmmakers felt it was important for him to have.
Which is why I will be making the sequel to Miracle in Lane Two, which is about how Justin Yoder won the Oscar for best film.
For best cameo?
No, the film in general, because he directed it in my movie.
Oh, yes yes.
In my movie, Justin Yoder wrote, starred in, and directed Miracle in Lane Two, and then won the Oscar.
This just goes to say, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Anything is possible.
Yeah, exactly. And he won it against Kathryn Bigelow, because he has to defeat a woman apparently.
Oh yeah.
Did you see the Hurt Locker? That was nothing compared to Miracle in Lane Two.

[Theme Music] Hip hop beat from “Hard Out Here For a Gimp” by Wheelchair Sports Camp

Well I think that is maybe as far as we can go on Miracle in Lane Two. I think we’ve really unearthed some things. And if you feel the same, if you enjoyed your listen, then check back. We are going to have more episodes coming in. Make sure you subscribe, and of course make sure you tune in, because our next episode is sure to be a barn burner. That’s right, we are going from the glorious streets of Akron, Ohio, out to the West Coast, for a little film known as Different Drummers.

From all of us at Invalid Culture, we hope to talk to you soon.